Cosmetic Dentistry in Melbourne

Postoperative Care of Newly Cemented Porcelain Veneers. Three years Limited Warranty

To Our Cosmetic Patient about to receive their New Smiles

Again, thank you for giving  us the opportunity in assisting to your smile transformation journey.

And Congratulations! You are about to receive your new smile. How exciting would that be! You’ve made a life-altering decision to improve your smile. Cosmetic Dentistry treatment is unquestionably worthwhile for all the benefits it gives and undoubtedly worth the price for many people. A beautiful smile can boost self-esteem and help people feel confident about their appearance, making the treatment invaluable.

Cosmetic dentistry is a significant investment, and I want you to maximise the benefits of your investment in your new smile for many, many years. To accomplish this, I urge you to now invest in your time reading and becoming acquainted with how you should care for them. The email and document that we sent you, along with the links provided below, will provide you with complete information and knowledge on what to expect and how to care and safeguard for your new restorations.


What to expect during your Cementation booking


If you haven’t seen your new porcelain restorations yet, I’ll show them to you before I finish your cementation work. On that appointment, I will discuss and answer any questions/clarifications you may have about our postoperative care of your new porcelain restorations, including our three-year limited warranty. I’ve revised our postoperative care and three-year limited warranty.

After removal of your temporaries, if you have, I will do a trial fitting first and give you the opportunity to preview and assess it before cementation. To ensure that you are happy with everything, you must preview and assess every aspect of your new restorations, such as the look, shade, dimensions, and everything related to aesthetics. If you are happy with everything and approve for cementation to go ahead, I will then request your approval and consent to finish and cement your restorations.  I will have you then sign a hard copy consent form.

Take note that once the restorations have been cemented, they will be difficult to change without additional time, money, and biological cost to the teeth of having these removed. If further intervention is performed, the teeth may lose vitality. So, you must be certain of your decision and consent for me to cement your porcelain restorations, as changing your mind later and replacing them can only be done at your own expense, as well as the biological cost on the teeth that may be incurred during the restoration removal process.


The only alterations that I can do on cemented restorations includes the following below:


-Adjusting your high bite if needed,

-Minimally adjusting the length of the porcelain if needed,

-Minor reshaping the corners of the biting edge of your porcelain

-Adjusting the back of your porcelain should you not get used to or have difficulty pronouncing some letters such as F or V.

– To a certain degree, I can remove minor aspects of your porcelain as mentioned above, but I cannot change the colour of your existing veneers, add anything to your porcelain, do a major overhaul, or completely remove them.

That is why you will need to see me again after your cementation for a 5-10 minute post-cementation appointment. This adjustment, if necessary, is made at that last post-cementation appointment. If you believe you require more than checking and minor adjustment, please let me know so I can schedule a longer appointment time for you.


Adjustment period after Cementation


Each patient will have a unique adjustment period timeline. Some patients report zero side effects following their cosmetic procedure. Others require days or even weeks to fully adjust.

Right after placement, your mouth can feel strange as you slowly become used to the dimensions and new look and changes of your newly enhanced teeth.

Whenever you receive new dental restorative or cosmetic work that slightly alters the shape, size, or placement of your teeth or gums, your mouth is extremely sensitive to the change.

You may find your tongue running over your new restorations constantly, as it discovers the shape of your new smile.

For most patients, the adjustment period for porcelain veneers lasts about two weeks. There will be gradual improvements in these issues each day during this brief adjustment process.

After two weeks have passed, most patients should feel just fine with their porcelain restorations in place. They will hardly notice that they have undergone cosmetic dental work.




After you receive the treatment, patients can return to work that same day, and also resume normal activities that day, too.

If you receive sedation dentistry with the procedure, however, you will need the rest of the day to recuperate. Furthermore, someone will need to drive you home after the appointment since you will be unable to drive for the remainder of the day. The next day, though, you can definitely return to normal activities.

It is normal for patients to experience some sensitivity, discomfort or pain initially, which should subside after the first few days.


Numbness from Anaesthetic

If a local anaesthetic was used during the dental procedure, the numbing effect may still be present for several hours after the dental appointment.

During this time, patients are prone to burn or bite themselves unknowingly because they are unable to feel the warning sensations, such as heat or pain, as usual. For this reason, it is recommended to avoid drinking hot liquids or chewing hard foods during this time.

There may also be some bruising and inflammation at the site of the anaesthetic injection shortly after the dental crown procedure, particularly on the lower jaw. This should go away spontaneously without the need for treatment after several days.


Pain, Discomfort and Sensitivity

Most patients experience some pain or discomfort in the affected area of the mouth following a dental procedure. This typically improves after several hours, days or weeks without any assigned treatment.

Many patients find it useful to use simple analgesic medications to help manage the pain in the meantime.

Tooth sensitivity is a common recovery symptom. To deal with this discomfort, consider using a toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth. Avoiding  consuming very hot or cold foods and beverages can also help. Try using a straw if you’re still experiencing sensitivity.


Gums Recovery from Gum lifting procedure

Any reshaping to improve the profile of the gum tissue by raising or lowering it, is included within the scope of most cosmetic or restorative works. Most gum contouring procedures require anywhere from few days to a week to fully heal.

The extensiveness of the work largely determines the healing window. If a lot of gum tissue is  removed, healing is likely to take few days to a week or two. If only a small amount of tissue is removed, healing is likely to take only a few days instead.

As the anaesthesia from the procedure wears off, patients may encounter varying levels of pain.

For mild  or lift sculpting treatments, there is likely to be little pain at all.

Over-the-counter pain treatments should be sufficient after the treatment. Using an ice pack on the affected area for 15 minutes at a time for the first couple of days post-procedure can help reduce pain and swelling.

Pain should fade within the first few days even for more advanced  lifts.  If pain and swelling are bothersome after a particularly advanced gum graft or lift, the dentist can always prescribe you some anti-inflammatory medication to help.


The First Few Days after Cementation


More often than not, your new porcelain restorations may feel slightly larger than the natural teeth they cover. This feature allows your new porcelain attachments to reshape your teeth in an aesthetically pleasing manner. Shortly after your veneers are placed, you may notice that your tongue and inner cheeks can feel the features of your porcelain shells. These will be momentary distractions that will fade over the following days.

Some patients report heightened sensitivity to heat and cold. This sensitivity may be most noticeable when eating ice cream, for example. A small number of patients report that their speech is slightly impeded due to the porcelain restorations. This is no different than what our patients report after having braces or another attachment or prosthetic placed. Any chance to the surface of the teeth can require that your palate readjusts.

While you are on the adjustment period, go easy when your eat. Try not to eat something hard or chewy while you are getting use to your new bite and new restorations.


What If I Still Have Veneer Adjustment issues?


If you still have issues with your porcelain veneers more than two weeks after getting them, it’s a good idea to discuss these matters with us.


How to Make Porcelain Veneers Last


Porcelain veneers can last up to 15 to 20 years if properly cared for. They have the potential to last a lifetime if properly cared and maintained for.  To get the most out of your restoration, you should adhere and implement some basic oral care guidelines and routine as recommended on this link here and some from this email.

To implement this new daily oral hygiene routine, you need to have first the knowledge on the how-to’s ( which is provided on this email and links), and second the strong desire and motivation to implement this as new routine. As you strictly implement this routine, things will become a new habit. On average, it takes more than 2 months before a new behaviour or habit becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact according to study. And how long it takes a new habit to form can vary widely depending on the behaviour, the person, and the circumstances.

Bear in mind, developing this good  new oral hygiene habit on your daily oral hygiene routine will not only be good for your new restorations but as well to the rest of your teeth.

Below you will find some few pointers on looking after your veneer and porcelain restorations. 


Tips for Caring of Your Porcelain Restorations (Veneers, Crowns & Bridges)


Basic  Oral Hygiene




Do you know what’s in your mouth? It’s home to about 700 species of microbes or billions of bacteria that live in your mouth. In the ecosystem of the oral microbiome, certain healthy bacteria work to protect your mouth (some, for example, specifically help limit tooth decay). There’s also harmful bacteria that are known to cause cavities and disease. Together, they form a community called biofilm, probably better known to you as dental plaque—or that slimy feeling you may have on your teeth when you wake up in the morning. When the balance between these bacteria shift because of a poor diet, poor oral hygiene and other health issues, it can cause the harmful bacteria to take over. Left unchecked, this imbalance can lead to bad breath, cavities, gum disease and even tooth loss..

Brushing and flossing help to keep your mouth clean. But after you brush and floss, germs grow again and more plaque forms. That’s why you need to clean your mouth regularly right away after eating or consuming highly sugary food or drinks. Different microbes grow in different places. Some stick to your teeth. Others prefer your tongue. Some lurk in the tiny pockets between tooth and gum. Once they’ve found their homes, they form diverse communities with the other germs. Certain things you may be doing can help bad microbes grow better than the good ones. Sugary foods and drinks feed some microbes and help them increase in number and spread out.

Some of these sugar-loving microbes can turn sugar into matrix and acid. The acid destroys the surface of your teeth. The more sugar in your diet, the more fuel is available for these microbes to build up plaque and damage teeth. The good news is that limiting sweets and brushing and flossing regularly can help prevent bad microbes from growing out of control.

  • As you probably know, brushing your teeth is one of the most important components of your oral hygiene It removes food particles, bacteria and plaque from the surface of your teeth and your gums, keeping your mouth clean and healthy.
  • Remember though that brushing alone will not remove all the bacteria, sugar and acid that have built up between your teeth. If you forget to floss or use an interdental brush, up to a third of each tooth doesn’t get cleaned! So it is important to floss your teeth as well.
  • Some foods and drinks, particularly those high in carbohydrates and sugars, can stimulate the growth of oral bacteria that attack your tooth enamel. By brushing your teeth after you eat, you reduce this bacteria and help protect your enamel from damage.
  • However, if you have consumed something acidic, you should avoid brushing your teeth for about 30 minutes afterwards.  Foods that contain citric acid, like oranges, grapefruits and lemons, can soften tooth enamel for a time, and brushing too soon after eating them may damage the enamel while it’s in its weakened state.
  • In addition, prolonged exposure to phosphoric acid, which is often found in soft drinks, can erode your tooth enamel, exposing the more sensitive tissues beneath. Acid erosion can cause permanent damage to your teeth, so to keep it to a minimum, limit snacking between meals and limit your consumption of soft drinks and sugary snack foods.
  • So keep this things in mind. Again, Cavities are caused by a combination of factors, including billions of bacteria that lives in your mouth, frequent snacking, sipping sugary drinks and not cleaning your teeth well and not flossing.


So remember to Brush your teeth  right after every meal, unless you consumed acidic food or drinks

Take Note:

  • It is possible to get a cavity under your veneer, Crown or Bridges.  Pay special attention to your gumline. Plaque and bacteria at your gumline will lead to decay that can cause your veneer to fail.
  • A mechanical or ultrasonic brush, will help you to adequately remove plaque and bacteria.  In addition, most electric brushes have a timer that assists you in brushing for a full 2-3 minutes.


Use the right toothpaste


Some toothpaste brands may contain ingredients that are too abrasive for both your teeth and your veneers. When choosing your toothpaste, make sure to check the ingredients for substances like hydrogen peroxide and sodium bicarbonate or baking soda. The former will eat away at your veneers & porcelain restorations surface while the latter’s gritty nature can lead to the veneers losing their colour and sheen. In general, it may be wiser to choose gel products over those in paste form as they tend to contain none of the ingredients mentioned. Do not feel compelled to buy whitening toothpastes either, as they are not necessary and may even be detrimental to your veneers and they do not whiten porcelain restorations.


Avoid substances that may cause stains


Porcelain veneers & porcelain restorations are designed to be stain resistant, but that fact isn’t the same for your natural tooth structure. In order to keep your smile looking at its whitest, you should be wary of substances that might stain your veneers, including heavy cigarettes, heavy coffee, soda, red wine, tea, berries, and beets consumption. If you do enjoy one of these items, be sure to brush and floss your teeth immediately afterwards to minimize the likelihood that stains will develop.


Avoid Too much Alcohol 


Consuming lots of alcoholic drinks will soften the bonding composites holding the veneers to your teeth. While this doesn’t mean the veneers & porcelain restorations will come loose, it will make the bonding line more prone to damage, deterioration, and stains. Alcohol is not found just in beverages though. When buying mouthwash or toothpaste, check the ingredient list to see if they contain alcohol as these can be just as damaging as liquor.




  • Floss all of your teeth at least once a day. Ideally straight away after eating anything
  • Make sure that you insert your floss in between each tooth and follows the curvature of the side of the tooth
  • Wrap the floss around each tooth and move it up and down to loosen and remove food and bacteria.
  • Use a new section of floss for each tooth.


Regular Dental Exam and Hygiene


  • You should visit our office at least twice a year for professional dental cleanings or more often if directed.
  • At least once per year x-rays will be taken and each tooth will be checked for cavities, cracks, and infection.  Please call our office at any time if you are experiencing any tooth problem.  We are here to help.
  • Proper brushing, flossing, and regular 6-month cleanings are necessary to the long-term stability and appearance of your veneers. Small problems that develop with veneers can usually be found at an early stage and easily corrected, but postponing proper care can result in the need to replace an entire restoration.




Other Tips for Professional Care of your Cosmetic Dental Work


  • If you’re seeing a new dentist or hygienist, make sure to mention your existing work, and ask them to look particularly on the cervical and gumline margin of your restorations.
  • If you have cosmetic dental work, ultrasonic scalers must be used with great caution. Ultrasonic scaler can chip the margins of porcelain veneers. It’s not the water that is the cause for concern, but the metal tip that vibrates at an ultrasonic frequency. If used improperly around the margins of dental crowns, veneers, or composite bonding, they can damage the appearance and leave the restored teeth vulnerable to decay. These ultrasonic scalers are powerful and they not only have the potential to nick the margins of porcelain restorations, but they can nick the cementum of teeth, causing a roughness that will attract plaque and calculus.
  • Regular pumice polish should not be used on composite bonding & porcelain restorations as it can leave scratches and cause erosion. An aluminum oxide polishing agent should be used instead.
  • Polishing devices that use a powerful spray of sodium bicarbonate, prophy jet or other power polishing equipment should never be used on porcelain and composite restorations. They can break the glaze and roughen the surface, which can lead to easier staining. Although your restorations will look great immediately after the appointment, their appearance will rapidly deteriorate if these devices are used.
  • Some maintenance procedures that work well for natural teeth or metal restorations can ruin ceramic or composite materials. If you’re seeing a new dentist and you’ve had cosmetic dental work done in the past, make sure to mention your existing work to them.
  • The hydrofluoric acid contained in some fluoride treatments can etch porcelain restorations and break the surface glaze. Any treatments used on cosmetic dental restorations should contain neutral fluoride only.


Whitening (if Applicable)


  • In order to keep your natural teeth the same color as your new restorations, periodic whitening is recommended.
  • The most economical way to keep your smile white is to use custom whitening trays with a strong whitening solution.  Most patients find that the best time to whiten is after a professional dental cleaning.  Your teeth are plaque and tartar free thus allowing your teeth to respond positively to the whitening gel.  Let your teeth be your guide on how often you should whiten.
  • Keep in mind, teeth whitening procedure only whiten natural tooth surface and does not whiten any restorations.


Occlusal Night Guard


Bruxism or Night Grinding is harmful to your oral health and to your Porcelain restorations


Clenching and grinding exerts pressure that can be generated across the teeth that can range from 100 to 600 psi (pounds per square inch). That incredible amount of force can cause many different problems related to your gums, jaw, and teeth. It put a lot of strain on your teeth and gums and to your porcelain restorations. This serious damage doesn’t occur overnight but occur over time. It can  worn, chipped, cracked, or breaks your teeth including your porcelain restorations

Night guards, dental appliances worn on the upper or lower teeth while sleeping, not only prevent additional damage from grinding and damage. They also protect veneers and defend against bruxism symptoms.

An occlusal guard is an appliance designed from dental models of your teeth and made of a rigid plastic.  It covers either your upper or lower teeth and prevents the teeth from coming together while sleeping at night.   It also provides a guide for your jaw so that muscles can relax and bite problems will not trigger the bruxing action.


How Do I Know if I Clench or Grind My Teeth?


Many people suffer from symptoms of bruxism, so they know they clench or grind while they are sleeping.  These symptoms may include headaches or facial pain upon waking, a feeling of tightness or muscle tension in the jaws, generalized sensitivity of the teeth or pain in the jaw joints (TMJs).  Others are heavily clenching or grinding without having any idea they are doing so.  This is both good and bad.  Obviously, it is good to not suffer from symptoms.  It is bad, though, because it may allow you to miss a problem.


Will an Over-the-Counter Appliance Protect my Veneers?


Great question, and we have a slightly roundabout answer for you.  In general, over-the-counter mouthguards provide far less protection than a custom-made acrylic night guard from your dentist.  Their generic fit and mouldable material does not reduce the forces of clenching or grinding, and in some cases, it can actually increase your muscle force.  Many people find that they will grind right through an Over the counter night guard in less than a month.

Things can change in dental health. If you feel you are not grinding, clenching or have any abnormal biting habits right now and decided not to get the recommended night guard, you have to redecide if in the future things change and you start grinding your teeth. If in the future you are getting into this habit, you have to tell us or go to your local dentist and get a night guard constructed, to protect your porcelain restorations.

We highly recommend that you use a professionally made night guard (and not those Over the counter night guard), you should do so to protect your restorations. By not protecting your porcelain restorations with wearing a night guard will make our warranty void. This night guard should be constructed right after cementation of your Porcelain restorations.


Mouthguard (if needed)


If you play any contact sports or any games or sports that can potentially damage your porcelain restorations at the front, make sure to wear a mouthguard.


Don’t Chew on Inedible Items


Do you have a bad habit of chewing on pens, or are you a nail biter? Not only are these habits gross and a social faux pas, but they can also actually lead to damage of your Porcelain restorations over time. To protect your cosmetic dental work, make an effort to keep inedible items out of your mouth.


Do not bite into very hard objects


Everybody knows the teeth are not just used for eating, but they can also be used as tools for, say, opening bottles. Unfortunately, such activity is harmful not just for your teeth, but also for your It put a lot of strain on your teeth and gums and to your porcelain restorations. This serious damage doesn’t occur overnight but occur over time. It can  worn, chipped, cracked, or breaks your teeth including your porcelain restorations. Very hard objects, such as metal caps and glass bottles can chip the porcelain. If you have the habit of biting into random things, such as pencils, pens, or even ice, it would be helpful if you can take steps to end the mannerism.

As with natural teeth, avoid chewing excessively hard foods on the veneered teeth & Porcelain restorations (hard candy, ice, nuts,  ice, raw carrots, bones,  raw apples, hard chips, and meat cuts that contain bone etc.) because the porcelain material can break under extreme constant pressure.

The gums may eventually recede from the veneers, allowing discoloured tooth structure underneath to show. This generally takes place after many years and at that time veneer replacement is necessary.


Foods to Avoid With Porcelain Veneers


Porcelain restorations including veneers are extremely durable, so you can enjoy most of your favourite foods and beverages without fear of your veneers chipping, fading, or otherwise becoming compromised. There are, however, a few food interactions to be aware of. If you’ve ever wondered whether it’s safe to eat hard candy, corn on the cob, or even alcohol, we’re here to clear the air.  Read more on this link.


Extra Tips for Caring if you have Dental Bridges done


Your Dental Bridge Requires Special Care


Chances are you already have good oral hygiene habits. It is rare for a dentist to advise a patient to get a bridge if that patient does not take care of their teeth. To keep the bridge viable, good oral hygiene must be maintained.


A Little More Than Brushing and Flossing


You are going to maintain your routine of brushing and flossing your teeth. Additionally, you will do some extra flossing underneath and around your bridge to keep plaque from building up. This added step in your oral hygiene routine will keep the gums beneath your bridge healthy and the abutment teeth on which the bridge sits free from the plaque which could cause gingivitis.


Vulnerable Areas


The reason why it is not enough to just brush and floss as usual is that you will miss areas on both teeth supporting the bridge. The sides of the teeth that face the bridge are very vulnerable. Food is going to get trapped under the artificial teeth (pontics) and food debris along with bacteria will cause plaque to build up around the gum line of the teeth in these areas. If it is not cleaned carefully, gingivitis can begin or/and cavities can develop.

Clean underneath the bridge. You must clean underneath your bridge regularly. Once you have finished brushing and flossing, remove debris and flood particles in the space between your bridge and gums. To do this, use floss threaders, dental picks, or interproximal brushes.


Dental Bridge Cleaning Techniques and Methods


Cleaning your fixed bridgework can take some getting used to. Some patients may find it difficult to adequately clean underneath the pontic at first. However, special tools, and practice, can help you clean better for optimal oral health.

We recommend patients try these different methods, to find the cleaning technique that works for them:


Floss threader

Flossing a bridge is different than flossing regular teeth. A floss threader is essentially a large soft plastic needle. This thin and flexible plastic needle can be pushed or threaded under a bridge. The threader has a loop to pull the floss with it. Using a threader is one of the most common methods for cleaning bridges. With a gentle cleaning motion, remove the food particles and plaque.



When you can’t floss due to poor dexterity, consider using a toothpick. Carefully, move the toothpick under the false tooth to remove any lingering bacteria. Take care to do this slowly as hard force could injure your gum line.


Interdental / Interproximal brushes are very helpful with cleaning dental bridges

These tiny “proxy” brushes can be pushed between your teeth. They are often used by patients with metal orthodontics such as braces. Complete with bristles, an interdental brush (or “interproximal”) is quite effective at removing plaque and food. Using one is easy—just move the brush under the bridge and gently scrub away the germs. Get the smallest diameter.


Oral irrigators

Oral irrigators such as the Waterpik are well liked by patients. This water based flosser releases a stream of pulsating water to remove both food debris and plaque—which is water soluble.

The stream of high-pressure pulsating water this device releases is strong enough to remove plaque between the teeth and gum line, making it more effective than dental floss.

A water flosser is also a handy device to use for cleaning the areas around dental bridges. The combined effect of the released stream and pulsating water effectively remove leftover food particles and bacteria under and around the dental appliances.

To keep your dental bridges and mouth clean, rinse with mouthwash after using your oral irrigator.


Porcelain Restorations: How Long Do They Last?


Porcelain restorations have traditionally been known to have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years. However, with proper care, your porcelain veneers can last up to 20 years or more with potential to last a lifetime if properly maintained. This, however, should not be the expectation. In most cases, your veneers will need to be replaced once or twice during your lifetime. Nothing last forever. Just like with anything else, they are also subjected to wear and tear, thus require maintenance or replacement. This means that at some point in the future, you have to prepare to get repaired or replaced. Other types of permanent restorations cannot compete with this level of durability.

Longevity of your porcelain restorations will much depends on how you look after your teeth and gums and how you follow our recommended guidelines on looking after your teeth and restorations.


The Future


If you implement all these recommended instructions, we expect that you will receive many years of service from these new restorations. However, after watching new porcelain/ceramic restorations for many years, we have seen the following situations occur occasionally. They are unavoidable and may require restoration replacement.

  • Extreme force or trauma can break porcelain restoration just as the same force can break natural teeth. Use care in sports or other potentially traumatic situations. Do not bite extremely hard objects with one tooth. Breakage usually requires remaking the restorations, but occasionally they can be repaired.
  • After a few years, some porcelain restoration may show slight stains on some locations around the edges. Please tell us if this occurs. Repairs can usually be accomplished. If you are having periodic 6 monthly hygiene, this occurence can be minimise or prevented.
  • The gums (gingival) may recede from the veneers, displaying discolored tooth structure underneath. This usually takes place over several years and requires replacement if aesthetically unacceptable to you. If you follow proper brushing habits, this occurence can be minimise or prevented.

We have done our best to provide you with the finest quality oral restorations available today including providing you will all the knowledge on how you care for your porcelain restorations. However, as with many restorations, nothing will last forever. Replacement of these restorations may be required in many, many years to come. Longevity will much depends on how you look after your teeth and porcelain restoration and strict adherence to this recommended care of your restorations.


Most porcelain veneer and restorations emergencies are related to the following below


Breakage, Cracking, Chipping or Fracturing


Porcelain restorations and Veneers are made to be durable, but they are not indestructible. Veneers, like any other type of dental restoration (or natural teeth), can chip and break.


What Causes Porcelain restorations and Veneer Breakage?

They can break or  crack for a variety of reasons


  • As a result of grinding your teeth on a regular basis and not wearing your professionally fabricated night guard
  • As a result of biting into hard foods such as ice or jawbreakers (especially on a regular basis)
  • As a result of a direct blow to the face
  • As a result of tooth decay behind the veneer
  • Debonding (when the veneer separates from the tooth without physically breaking)

Following our detailed care instructions on your new porcelain restorations will ensure that they will last as long as possible, problem-free. Read more on this link.


Can a broken porcelain veneer be repaired?


If it’s just a very small portion of your veneer has come off, it may be possible for us to create a patch. However, this is not a first choice but simply one that’s used as a practical solution.

Generally, there are two main problems that tend to come into play with this type of plan.

Your laminate is made out of porcelain but the only material for us to make a repair with is plastic (dental bonding/dental composite). These materials have different optical qualities and properties. Depending on the location of the patch and the size, they may not be durable or be unsightly visible.

That means that even if the repair looks satisfactory initially (which it very well may), over the long haul (months and years) the less durable bonding will deteriorate (pick up stain, fleck off at the junction with the porcelain) and a distinction between it and the veneer will become obvious.

With repairs located in areas where substantial forces are involved (like the biting edges of teeth), the bond between the veneer’s porcelain and the dental composite patch may (likely will) prove to be troublesome.


Managing minor chips


If only a small bit of porcelain has flecked off, one solution is for us to trim and buff your veneer until the chip’s divot has been polished out.

This makes a very lasting solution. However, neighbouring teeth may need to be recontoured in a similar fashion so the symmetry of your smile is maintained.




The veneer has come off, generally intact. As dental veneers are bonded to the tooth, there is some chance that the bonding agent may fail, resulting in the veneer “popping” off the tooth. If this happen, bring the veneer with you to our office. We may be able to easily re-bond it to your tooth. Place your debonded Veneers on sturdy small box.


Chances of porcelain veneers falling off?


On an average, the ratio of falling of porcelain veneers is minimal compared to its success, still, it cannot be denied that they may fall off or break down in some cases, for a variety of reasons.


The common reasons are as follows


-Damage to the frontal face, Habit of grinding teeth, Tooth decay behind the veneer, Eating very hard foods like ice or candy and sugary sticky foods regularly.

-When there is a strong impact on your face, the teeth takes the brunt, it may cause the porcelain veneers to loosen from the bond it has with the original teeth. Damage to the face has a natural consequence of teeth taking some of the damage.

-Many people have a nervous habit of grinding teeth when they are angry, upset or stressed out. The constant abnormal pressure from this grinding or clenching habit may eventually lead to loosen up the veneers from the bond that attaches them to the original teeth and may cause a fall off the veneers. This adverse effect of constant pressure to your veneer sometimes will take time, months or years to happen. But it will definitely happen.

-Sometimes the tooth decays and the decay causes the chemical in the bond to loosen making the porcelain veneers detaching from the tooth and fall off.

-Ice is one of the hardest food to bite into. If you keep biting onto hard foods like ice, and candy, it will cause the veneers either to break or loosen up and fall.

-Similarly, sticky foods like candy and sugary sweets stick to the teeth and are difficult to remove, causing veneers to lose contact with the original tooth.

-Negligence: Your veneers will be more prone to breaking or coming off if you treat them harshly. Veneers are durable, but if you often chew on hard things like ice and hard candies, or grind your teeth, your veneers won’t last quite as long. All of these things damage both your veneers and your natural teeth, so it’s best to stay away from them.


What to do if one of your Veneer Pop off or debonded?


What you should do in the unlikely event of the veneer breaking or falling off

Call us immediately

-Place your Veneer on the sturdy small box to keep them safe

-Bring it to the office. No need to make a booking. We will send your veneer to our lab to clean and prepare the internal surface of your veneer.

-Once we receive your veneer from the lab, we will call you for recementation appointment.

But in the event that the veneer is broken beyond repair, then we will order a new veneer and during the time the veneer gets ready, we will apply a temporary treatment till the broken piece is replaced with a new one.

You should never try to glue back the fallen off veneer yourself.


TAKE NOTE: Very important to place your debonded Veneers on a small sturdy box to protect it.


What is our Clinical Process of recementing a debonded Veneer?


We send your case back to our Dental laboratory for them to remove excess used cement and prepare the internal surface of your veneer ready to be cemented. The lab use a sandblasting process, which involves an operation of forcibly propelling a stream of abrasive material against a surface under high pressure to remove cement and smoothen a rough surface. There is a small, remote RISK involve in cleaning your thin veneers is that it may crack or break during sandblasting procedure. The lab is not giving warranty nor do we. Our warranty includes our service of recementation but not the lab related fees of cleaning your veneers or redoing a new one. If your veneers breaks, you will be charge with the lab fees of redoing you a new veneers.

After the Lab clean your Veneers and return your Veneers back to us, we will need to schedule you for recementation appointment.

You can hand us your veneer but if you live far away to the CBD or is working, you can send us your veneer by registered express post.






Treatments Under Limited Warranty



The Warranty refer to the entire work done, i.e. all materials, labour work/our own services and treatment EXCEPT LAB RELATED FEES. It is only valid for procedures that we’ve done in our clinic. Costs arising from work done in other dental offices are not covered under our warranty. The warranty of any of our treatment is only valid if we complete the full work. If a problem arises during the 3 years warranty period, the patient has to contact the clinic as soon as the problem arises.

  1.  All warranties and conditions expressed or implied by statute, common law, equity, trade, custom or usage or otherwise howsoever are to the extent permitted by law expressly excluded from the Sales Contract. The Patient acknowledges that neither the Company nor any person purporting to act on its behalf has made any representation or given any promise or undertaking which is not expressly set out in the Sales Contract whether as to the fitness of the Services for any particular purpose or any other matter.
  2.  The Patient acknowledges that without relying upon the skill or judgement of the Zenaidy Castro P/L or any person purporting to act on its behalf it has determined that the Services conforming to the contract description will be fit for its purposes. Any description of the Services and/or Goods used in the Sales Contract is for identification only and shall not constitute a contract of sale by description. The provisions of this clause 4 shall not apply insofar as their application is prevented by the Trade Practices Act 1974 as amended or any other State and Territory laws.
  3. Our Limited Warranty is Subject to our terms and conditions. The Patient acknowledges that the long-term success of any dental treatment provided by the practice corresponds directly to the Patient’s home care, regular dental check-up and professional cleanings.
  1. As a pre-condition to the operation of any limited warranty provided by the Company, the Patient agrees that following the completion of treatment, a Patient will attend a FREE CHECK-UP AND POLISHING OF YOUR PORCELAIN RESTORATIONS minimum every 6 monthly in each year in our office for 3 succeeding years. This excludes scaling and cleaning your other natural teeth if you have a plaque build up. It remains the Patient’s responsibility to contact our dental clinic to make an appointment, and attend the six-monthly exam and prophylaxis failing which the limited warranty will be forfeited.


For our cosmetic patients who live interstate or in regional Victoria, we will honour this warranty if you can provide receipts or proof (such as treatment records) from your local dentist that you are having a 6 monthly check and hygiene treatment


  1. Warranty applies if the Failure constitutes a clinical, technical and construction faults and does not cover if it’s a patients related fault or as outlined below
  2. There is no outstanding balance on the Patient’s account or monies owing to the Company
  3. Patient is implementing on their daily oral hygiene routine and other safeguard measures the recommended instructions as outline above.
  4. Restorative dental treatments as provided by the Company are permanent and recommended as the most appropriate method of dental treatment at the time of the Patient’s consultation. If for any reasons including financial reasons the Patient is not able to have the recommended treatment as presented by the Company and opts for a treatment regime which is assessed by the Company in its absolute discretion as less than optimal including but not limited to a short-term fix, patchwork or any other temporary measures until definitive treatment is provided then any limited warranties provided by the Company under any Sales Contract will not take effect.
  5. If a Patient’s current dental treatment fails and requires replacement or repair and consequently different dental materials, techniques or treatment due to clinical related faults, and is deemed to be necessary need an ungraded treatment plan, then only the difference in treatment fee from the originally paid to the new fees will be due and payable by the Patient.
  6. This warranty covers recementation of INTACT debonded Veneers due to normal use, or if it’s deemed clinical or technical faults (but does not apply if it’s a users fault)at no additional charge for our service to the Patient during this 3-year period EXCEPT LAB RELATED FEES. Recementation of debonded veneer is free except for the lab fees for cleaning your veneer. The lab fees at this current moment is $40 per veneer and this may changed.
  7. Three year limited warranty for Porcelain restorations does not include free redoing of a broken, damage, chipped, cracked porcelain restorations or lost debonded restorations. If this breakage occurs there will be a 50% discount fee of redoing a new porcelain restorations, this discount only applies on our porcelain restoration which were charged with our normal fees and doesn’t apply to any work with a discounted or on special offer.




  1. If the newly cemented Veneers come off within 1 month after the cementation appointment, we will recement it for free if your veneer is intact and not broken – we will absorb all the lab fees.
  2. If your newly cemented INTACT, unbroken Veneers come off 1 month after the cementation appointment, we will recement for free. Our warranty is for our service, except for lab fees. In this intances, there will be a small charge of $40 per veneer to cover the lab fees of cleaning and preparing your debonded Veneers.


The following events and circumstances  are not covered in general by the Company’s three year limited warranty:


  1. Failure due to a change in the patient’s perception of the aesthetics of the final case after completion of treatment
  2. Failure due to Neglect to oral hygiene and safeguard such as new decay, misuse, abuse, accidents or additional dental treatment done elsewhere.
  3. Failure or damaged cause by trauma, accidents, injury
  4. Overload failure due to patient non-compliance in wearing a prescribed professionally constructed night guard or splint for grinding or clenching habits that could also break normal healthy teeth; warranty does not cover over-the-counter chemist or online purchased night guards or non-dentist fabricated night guards.
  5. Failure due to wilful or habitual damage (eg. nail biting, cracking an ice cubes etc) and accident due to biting on hard food and objects
  6. Failure of supportive tooth or tissue structures. Root fillings and other non related treatments such as gum problems are not covered by warranty, should your teeth develops problems such as infections from roots or gums. We cannot give a 100% foreseeable prognosis if and/or when gum or nerve treatments may be required on a covered tooth. If needed, such additional Services will require additional fees.
  7. Failure due to loss or damage whether or not due to negligence on the patient’s behalf.
  8. Failure of treatments performed by other practitioners is not warranted.
  9. Failure resulting from a Force Majeure Event,
  10. Failure due to wilful damage to the restoration and improper adjustments done by the patient itself.
  11. Failure to follow and attend the recommended periodic free check-up and polishing minimum every 6 monthly
  12. Failure to complete necessary dental treatments as prescribed by the Company. The Company is not liable or responsible for the treatment or dental work done by any other dentists and there remains no obligation on the Company to rectify other dentist’s work.
  13. Teeth whitening is not included or covered by the Company’s limited warranty under this clause or under the Supply Contract due to its high unpredictability.


Best Cosmetic Dentist Melbourne #1 Cosmetic Dentist in Melbourne Australia Dr Zenaidy Castro


Dr Zenaidy Castro – top, leading, famous Cosmetic Dentist in Melbourne Victoria Australia. Famous Australian Photographer and Abstract artist

Why Choose Dr. Zenaidy Castro For Your Porcelain Veneers?


Dr Zenaidy Castro – top, leading, famous Cosmetic Dentist in Melbourne Victoria Australia. Famous Australian Photographer and Abstract artist

Dr. Zenaidy Castro understands the impact a beautiful smile can have on your daily life. She takes the time to listen to each patient’s goals in order to produce the best results for everyone who wants to have a better smile.

Dr. Zenaidy Castro love transforming smiles through cosmetic dentistry, and with her  vast experience of over 30 years,  the care and aesthetic results she provides for all her patients is unmatched. What sets her apart is her careful eye for detail and ensure they have superior results that meet her patients expectations.

She enjoys creating smiles based on the idea that each person is born with a unique smile, and believe that a beautiful smile is not a one-size-fits-all smile design or a an appearance that seems like coming from a single factory manufacturing line.

Dr. Zenaidy Castro will design the smile of your dreams. It is easier than you think! Just give us a call to set up your free aesthetic consultation and see for yourself what we can do to make your smile dreams come true. To learn more about working with Dr. Zenaidy Castro, contact Vogue Smiles Melbourne on 9629-7664.



Dr Zenaidy Castro – top, leading, famous Cosmetic Dentist in Melbourne Victoria Australia. Famous Australian Photographer and Abstract artist
If you are ready to take the next step in getting the smile makeover of your dreams, then Start  contacting us now 9629-7664.


Dr Zenaidy Castro – top, leading, famous Cosmetic Dentist in Melbourne Victoria Australia. Famous Australian Photographer and Abstract artist

We Can’t Wait to See Your Smile

Dr Zenaidy Castro – top, leading, famous Cosmetic Dentist in Melbourne Victoria Australia. Famous Australian Photographer and Abstract artist

Porcelain Veneers for Gaps in between teeth Melbourne CBD cosmetic dentist - close diastema



Dr Zenaidy Castro – top, leading, famous Cosmetic Dentist in Melbourne Victoria Australia. Famous Australian Photographer and Abstract artist


The information on this website is for information purposes only. Is not a substitute for a proper professional care and advice. Each patient’s outcomes, risks, potential complications, and recovery differ. Any dental procedure, minor or major, carries risks, some minor and some serious. Before and after images  seen on our Social Media and website pages are our actual patient and have been published/posted with our patients’ permission. All of our patients photos are subject to Copyrights notice. We are strong believers in responsible aesthetics. Every cosmetic, medical, or dental procedure comes with its own set of risks and benefits. Cosmetic Dentistry results will vary from patient to patient. Call our office and book for an actual in-office consultation for us to assess if you are a good candidate for a particular treatment. All of our Specials and packages posted on this site are subject to terms, conditions and availability. The exact fee for a particular cosmetic procedure will be determined after a preliminary assessment distinguishing your unique personal needs and the type of work needed. The prices mentioned on any of our website as well as any mentioned payment plan by a third party source,  are just a guide and is subject to change. Please call the office on 9629-7664 for further queries or clarification.

Staying Safe at the Dentist with our COVID Office Protocols

Staying Safe at the Dentist with our COVID Office Protocols

COVID-19 has impacted our lives significantly. The truth now is that we will be a part of a new world and we have to try our best to mould ourselves according to these circumstances.

The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected how everyone carries out their business and that includes dental professionals. To ensure your safety and our safety, below you will find some changes on how we operate from this stage forward until we defeated this invisible enemy with the available vaccine.

Please read the email carefully as we need to implement these protocols before and during your appointment with us. We understand this is an unprecedented step, but these are unprecedented times. We greatly appreciate your understanding as we work hard to provide you with safe dental care.




    • Pre-filling and emailing us back the Questionnaires that we have sent you by email.  Upon confirmation of your appointment, we will email you  4 different forms as below.

TAKE NOTE:  Except for Covid questionnaires form, You only have to pre-fill the form that is specific for your appointment with us.

  1. 1.  New Patients Registration form – For General Dentistry Patient


  1. 2.  New Cosmetic Patients Registration form -for Cosmetic Dentistry patients


  1. 3.  Dental problems prediagnostic questionnaires -needed if you have a toothache, sensitivity, lost a filling, gum problems or any dental related problem.


  1. 4. COVID Questionnaires.
    • Please send us by email the pre-filled questionnaires including attachment of any needed photo of the OPG radiograph.
    • For Cosmetic Consult appointment, please include attachment of few close-up photos of your front teeth.If you recently have any kind of pain, discomfort or any dental and gum related symptoms since we last saw you, we need you to have a new OPG radiograph taken. About 40% of tooth pathology or disease is not visible to the eye. Without dental Xrays we won’t be able to give you a thorough diagnosis. Even if you have had a recent radiograph on the recent past, if you have a current new pain or symptoms, we might need a new one as Dental disease is in progressive states. See attached referral form on our email





This will help minimise the amount of waiting time at our reception and limit the number of patients at one time.

We ask if you can stay in your car or downstairs and you will be called in by phone or text when the treatment room is ready.


  • Before entering our office, please go to the bathroom (which is next to the lift), to initially cleanse your hand properly and then do a hand sanitiser again which is available on the table next to our main door, upon entering our office.


  • To minimise or prevent the generation of respiratory aerosols prior to your actual treatment in the reception and treatment room, Bring your own mask or any clothing cover and wear it before entering our office and wear it all the time until we get you to the dental chair ready for treatment. If you don’t have any of this, we can provide you with a mask for $1.


  • Bring also your own sunglasses as well.


  • Come alone with your appointment. Don’t bring anyone with you as a companion. If you need assistance or escort for medical purposes, just bring one.


  • Your temperature will be check and will do quick screening questions again if there have been any changes since you last submitted our online form.


  • While in the reception, please sit on the designated area and try not to touch anything other than your personal belongings, hand sanitizer and card for payment after the treatment. This will help us limit the area of infection control processing on the reception after each and every patient.



As we don’t overbook our appointment and see a patient only one booking at a time, we appreciate if you can come on time. We book each of our patients with 1 hour to give us 30 minutes buffer to thoroughly disinfect the surgical room TWICE. If you are running late for a very long time, this will affect how we can adhere to strict infection control procedure, and depending on how much time you are running late, we might have to reschedule your appointment. IF we are running late, we will keep you informed way ahead of your booking time or readjust our schedule accordingly without upsetting the next patient.

If you have any concerns, questions or suggestion, please let us know by email or calling our office on 9629-7664

We thank you for your efforts to assist us during this unprecedented time

Meet the Doctor and the Team

Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro

Dr Zenaidy Castro – Dentist & Black and White Photographer 



The Material of Dreams 


As far back as I can remember, art in various mediums has always fascinated me; as a child, I enjoyed drawing and painting. My visual affinity for arts and aesthetics led me to choose a career and fulfilment as a cosmetic dentist. I found fulfilment in giving and assisting my patient in achieving the confident and beautiful smile that they desired.



Artistic Realization



Visual creativity appears to be built into me, a passion written into my DNA that never ceases to amaze and flow through me.

Outside from my commitment to my private dentistry career and running a successful private practice, I decided to pursue my passion for art. Over the years, I continually took several visual arts lessons and short courses on different Arts and Paintings studies. Using a variety of media and subject, I painted different subjects including: landscape photorealism, Still Life, Abstracts, and Life drawings and painted on a large scale in both Oil or Acrylic. My favourite is Abstract painting.

In late 2015 I found photography and I love every part of the craft, and I soon found that what I lack in knowledge and technique, it make up for with my inherent artistic inclination, talent, intuitive visual acuity and earlier art studies. Even in just short span of less than a year doing and learning the craft of photography, my works showed strong artistic merit. I won multitude awards and honours from my photographic works.

My love for photography and for the beauty in the world lead me to travelled extensively throughout the world and captured anything and everything that resonated with me.

My photography spans many different genres, From minimalist snaps of landscape to travel documentayy and cultural portraits.



My Passion for Black and White Photography



Black and white photography has been a romantic medium since its inception. That romance lives on today, with black and white photography being easier and more accessible than ever.

Color and black-and-white photography, according to American Black and White photographer Edward Weston, were two different means to different ends with nothing in common. Furthermore, author of How to look at photographs: reflections on the art of seeing Black and White Photographer David Finn states: “In some respects black-and-white photographs are more ‘real’ than colour photographs because they represent the subject without embellishment.

They speak to the viewer more simply and directly, and their images appear more authentic. Color photographs, on the other hand, are more ‘real’ because they are closer to what we actually see.”

Black-and-white photography is timeless, but it also transcends reality, transforming an image into a realm that is neither abstraction nor reality. A black-and-white image deconstructs and simplifies a scene to its forms and tones.


Art and Photographic Style


My continued love of brightly coloured abstract art and painting was balanced by my strong interest in monochrome black and white photography. My artworks is like “ying and yang”.

I have a wide range of photographic interests, including landscapes, still lives, wildlife and horses, travel documentary and cultural portraits, genre scenes, and so on. During the early years, I photographed and learned at the same time, mostly through trial and error.

Despite by my inexperience, my early photographs demonstrated careful composition and sensitivity to expressionistic photographs and won several photographic awards internationally. My award-winning photographs are mostly in black and white.


The Story and the Inspiration Behind Heart & Soul Whisperer Art Gallery



It didn’t take long for me to realise that I have a passion for creating beauty in this world after spending over 30 years as a Cosmetic Dentist helping patients have a beautiful smile. My job has allowed me to meet people from all walks of life, and the more people I meet, the more I realise how uniquely and spectacularly created we all are.

The realisation that each person is unique, with their own path and story, has fueled my inspiration as an artist and photographer, Heart and Soul Whisperer Art Gallery.

I’ve always been a visual and artistic person, and the Heart & Soul Whisperer online art gallery allows me to finally pursue my dreams.

Every one of us has a story to tell, and my art is about finding your place in this sometimes chaotic world. It is my hope that you will find yourself and enter a new world here, or that you will take a moment to appreciate and connect with the wonders and harmony of nature and realise that there is something bigger than us.

This passion project, “Heart & Soul Whisperer Art Gallery,” was created to assist you in finding empowerment as you move closer to discovering your ultimate destiny and how you can add a spark of magic to this world, as well as searching for what truly matters.

Learning that sometimes the best decisions come from the heart. Listening to your inner whispers, whether it’s making a life-changing decision or simply selecting a Cosmetic Dentist or an Art, is a reminder that our deepest wisdom lives within us. The answers we seek can be found within.

Listen to your Heart Whispers is about leaning into our heart’s wisdom and allowing our big decisions to emerge from that pure place.


The Black and White Photography of Dr Zenaidy Castro



 Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro, Black and White Photographs for sale

 Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro, Black and White Photographs for sale

 Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro, Black and White Photographs for sale

 Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro, Black and White Photographs for sale

 Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro, Black and White Photographs for sale

 Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro, Black and White Photographs for sale

 Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro, Black and White Photographs for sale

 Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro, Black and White Photographs for sale

Famous Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro, Black and White Photographs for sale

Famous Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro, Black and White Photographs for sale

Famous Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro, Black and White Photographs for sale

Famous Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro, Black and White Photographs for sale

Famous Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro, Black and White Photographs for sale

Famous Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro, Black and White Photographs for sale

Famous Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro, Black and White Photographs for sale

Famous Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro, Black and White Photographs for sale

See my Curated Black and White photography Portfolio


Meet The Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro


Famous Australian Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro

Famous Australian Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro

Famous Australian Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro

Famous Australian Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro

Famous Australian Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro

Famous Australian Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro

Famous Australian Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro

Famous Australian Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro

Famous Australian Black and White Photographer Dr Zenaidy Castro


Photographic Awards


I was the recipient of multiple local and international awards. Among my awards are from  Australian Photography, Fine Art Photography Awards, HIPA, Monochrome Awards, Pano Awards, TIFA Photography Awards, Focus Awards, and Better Photography

Below is the list detailing some of my photographic awards

  • 2017 – Australian Photography Photographer of the Year –Commended
  • 2015 – Focus Award – Bronze (two awards)
  • 2015 – Better Photography Photograph of the Year – Revealing Nature– Bronze
  • 2015 – Better Photography Photograph of the Year – Classic Landscapes – Bronze
  • 2015 – Better Photography Photograph of the Year – Classic Landscapes #2 – Bronze
  • 2015 – Better Photography Photograph of the Year – Creative Flair – Bronze
  • 2015 – Better Photography Photograph of the Year – Creative Flair #2 – Bronze
  • 2016 – PANO Awards – Bronze
  • 2016 – HIPA Photographic Awards – Finalist
  • 2016 – TIFA Photography Award – Silver

Neutral Density Photography awards- Vast Stillness

Photo of the Year -Landscape category- Blown Away

In the hour of Darkness  

Fine Art Photography Awards

The Prayer 

The Gond Tribe Kids 

Portrait Award

Glimpse of an Angels’ Wing

Nomadic Way of Life    

Black and White Synchronicity    

Monochrome Awards




At Home in Bolivia 

A Higher Place 

Kissing Bears at Dark 

Patagonian perspective 

The Tokyo International Foto Awards -Stranded 

Glimpse of an Angels Wings 

Greenview Abstract








Money Talks in Dentistry

The wedding smile makeover guide for the Bride & Groom

The wedding smile makeover guide for the Bride & Groom



The wedding smile makeover guide for the Bride & Groom


The Power Of A Great Smile



The pictures taken at weddings are those most often held and looked at in the future. For some people, it will be their only record of you, and you want it to be a good one.

But it’s not just about appearance. It’s about being able to enjoy the day. If you are unhappy with your smile, you’ll be constantly self-conscious, which can make it hard to smile. And if you’re not feeling free to smile, you’re not really enjoying yourself.


Benefits can Last a Lifetime


Unlike many things you spend on for your wedding–food, drink, hair, dresses, and tuxes, for example–a wedding smile makeover is something that can benefit you for your lifetime. The results of your smile makeover can last for weeks, months, years, and even decades after the wedding.

In some cases, the benefits may last a lifetime.

Transform your Smile with our PREPLESS OR NO-PREP PORCELAIN VENEER SPECIALS AND PACKAGE OFFER at $700 per tooth or from $45 weekly TLC payment plan* (Minimum 10 teeth to get this Veneer Package Specials)




The wedding smile makeover guide for the Bride & Groom


What issues can a Wedding Smile Makeover correct?


There are a variety of dental issues that a wedding smile makeover can remedy. From cracked teeth to improper spacing, a wedding smile makeover can correct virtually any problem that is keeping you from having a great smile on your special day. Uneven, stained and missing teeth can all be fixed with a smile makeover, as well as improper bites. Vogue Smiles Melbourne utilizes state of the art cosmetic dentistry techniques to provide each of her patients with smiles that they can be proud of, and can brighten your wedding day smile as well.


What Cosmetic Treatments are used during a Smile Makeover?


Veneers, Invisalign, dental implants, Lumineers, and shaping techniques are all common treatments that are used during a wedding smile makeover. Each bride has their own particular dental issues, so each dental treatment plan will differ, depending upon your own personal needs. Our Vogue Smiles Dentist Dr Zenaidy Castro will begin the wedding smile makeover with a consultation, whereby she will go over what steps will need to be taken in order to achieve your best smile.

Add a healthy, beautiful smile to your wedding checklist! It’s an investment that will last a lifetime.


How soon before the wedding should the Brides, Grooms and Bridal Party get their Smile Makeover treatment?


Dental maintenance for your wedding day should be scheduled well advance, in order to avoid any last-minute procedures or treatments. Issues such as improper spacing or disproportionate teeth should be handled well before the special occasion, while treatments like veneers or whitening can be carried out just a few weeks prior. It’s typically a good idea to schedule an appointment to visit a dentist as soon as possible so that they can develop a smile makeover plan that will give you the perfect smile for your perfect day.


Why is a Wedding Smile Makeover the ideal choice?


Most brides dream of their wedding days from a very early age. They often pick out the dress years in advance and have an idea of how they are going to look on their exciting day, but few brides consider the fact that your smile is an important part of your appearance at your wedding. Given that it is a happy occasion, you will probably be smiling quite a bit throughout, and you’ll want to put forth your very best smile. A wedding smile makeover is a quick and cost-efficient way to make your smile glow and to perfectly show your groom just how joyful you are about the idea of starting your new life together.

In here you will find different Cosmetic Dentistry Options For the Bride and Groom looking for looking to get Wedding Smile Makeover.



The wedding smile makeover guide for the Bride & Groom


Whether you have restricted budget or when you’re in a rush and need an immediate smile makeover, we have different Wedding Packages for Bride & Groom. Find out more in here.


The wedding smile makeover guide for the Bride & Groom





One of the quickest ways to improve your smile is to whiten your teeth. Teeth can become stained as a result of what you eat and drink, medications you may be taking, or the natural yellowing that occurs with age. The most effective way to remove stains or yellowing is through professional whitening. We offer several whitening options. Check our Teeth Whitening Specials and Packages below




The wedding smile makeover guide for the Bride & Groom

Wedding Smile Makeover Specials and Packages in Melbourne | Cosmetic Dentistry Bride and Groom BRIDAL wedding package deals | cheap wedding packages Melbourne

The wedding smile makeover guide for the Bride & Groom





Do you want to improve your smile but don’t want to have your teeth ground down for veneers? No-grinding Veneers are made of ULTRA-THIN Porcelain, are PREPLESS, and are an excellent conservative option for patients who do not want to have their teeth drilled for any reason.




The wedding smile makeover guide for the Bride & Groom

The wedding smile makeover guide for the Bride & Groom

The wedding smile makeover guide for the Bride & Groom

The wedding smile makeover guide for the Bride & Groom

Wedding Smile Makeover Specials and Packages in Melbourne | Cosmetic Dentistry Bride and Groom BRIDAL wedding package deals | cheap wedding packages Melbourne

Wedding Smile Makeover Specials and Packages in Melbourne | Cosmetic Dentistry Bride and Groom BRIDAL wedding package deals | cheap wedding packages Melbourne




Dental bonding is a versatile dental treatment that uses composite resin material to treat a wide range of dental problems. Tooth bonding is the most effective, non-invasive, and affordable method of repairing a damaged tooth or improving the appearance of your smile.

Dental bonding is a low-cost cosmetic procedure in which a tooth-colored resin is bonded to the surface of a tooth to improve its overall appearance. Bonding can be used to repair decayed, chipped, or discoloured teeth and restore a person’s smile to its natural beauty. Dental bonding is a type of cosmetic dentistry that is used to help people feel more confident about their smile’s appearance.





Wedding Smile Makeover Specials and Packages in Melbourne | Cosmetic Dentistry Bride and Groom BRIDAL wedding package deals | cheap wedding packages Melbourne

Wedding Smile Makeover Specials and Packages in Melbourne | Cosmetic Dentistry Bride and Groom BRIDAL wedding package deals | cheap wedding packages Melbourne

Wedding Smile Makeover Specials and Packages in Melbourne | Cosmetic Dentistry Bride and Groom BRIDAL wedding package deals | cheap wedding packages Melbourne




Whether you have a limited budget or are in a hurry and need an immediate smile makeover, a Snap-On Smile can have you photo-ready in no time. This cosmetic dentistry option efficiently and painlessly transforms your smile for a wedding, big meeting, first date, or special event. Patients who are afraid of expensive dental treatments, don’t like shots or drills, will choose to cover their imperfect teeth with a Snap-On Smile.

The Snap-On Smile was created for adults who want cosmetic dentistry now but don’t have the time or money to undergo major procedures. The Snap-On Smile is also a low-cost smile makeover option. While porcelain veneers, Lumineers, or even Invisalign may be your ultimate smile makeover goal, the Snap-On Smile will have an immediate impact on your appearance while remaining within your budget.



Wedding Smile Makeover Specials and Packages in Melbourne | Cosmetic Dentistry Bride and Groom BRIDAL wedding package deals | cheap wedding packages Melbourne

Wedding Smile Makeover Specials and Packages in Melbourne | Cosmetic Dentistry Bride and Groom BRIDAL wedding package deals | cheap wedding packages Melbourne

Wedding Smile Makeover Specials and Packages in Melbourne | Cosmetic Dentistry Bride and Groom BRIDAL wedding package deals | cheap wedding packages Melbourne





Wedding Smile Makeover Specials and Packages in Melbourne | Cosmetic Dentistry Bride and Groom BRIDAL wedding package deals | cheap wedding packages Melbourne

Wedding Smile Makeover Specials and Packages in Melbourne | Cosmetic Dentistry Bride and Groom BRIDAL wedding package deals | cheap wedding packages Melbourne

Wedding Smile Makeover Specials and Packages in Melbourne | Cosmetic Dentistry Bride and Groom BRIDAL wedding package deals | cheap wedding packages Melbourne

Wedding Smile Makeover Specials and Packages in Melbourne | Cosmetic Dentistry Bride and Groom BRIDAL wedding package deals | cheap wedding packages Melbourne

Wedding Smile Makeover Specials and Packages in Melbourne | Cosmetic Dentistry Bride and Groom BRIDAL wedding package deals | cheap wedding packages Melbourne

Wedding Smile Makeover Specials and Packages in Melbourne | Cosmetic Dentistry Bride and Groom BRIDAL wedding package deals | cheap wedding packages Melbourne






Transitional Smile Makeover is a low-cost cosmetic procedure that dramatically improves a patient’s smile in just one visit.
We understand that patients’ financial concerns and capacities vary, and that some expensive Cosmetic Dentistry and Smile Makeover procedures may be out of reach for some people right now for the work they want done. This could be a game changer for people who are self-conscious about their smile, lack confidence when smiling, and desperately need to improve their smile and confidence.



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  • Subject to Terms, conditions and availability. Offer subject to change or end without notice.
  • Please call our office on 9629-7664 to check availability of this pricing and offer.
  • In-office assessment is needed to assess if you are a good candidate for any of the procedure mentioned on this page including teeth whitening procedure.




We understand that patient have different financial commitment, capabilities and individual preferences and expectations, hence we have different pricing point, in order to make veneers more accessible and affordable for everyone.

The following costs for our different  Sets of Porcelain Veneers are correct when written, but they can change. We will provide written pricing for each ‘cosmetic treatment’ as part of our free consultation.

The exact fee for veneers will be determined after a preliminary assessment distinguishing your personal needs and the type of work needed. The prices mentioned below are just a guide and is subject to change.

Please email us or call us on 9629-7664 to confirm the availabilities of this pricing as we don’t regularly update our website. Offer is subject to terms and conditions.


Veneers Melbourne Payment Plan

Porcelain Veneer Specials and Packages in Melbourne WITH PREPLESS / NO-PREP OR NO GRINDING


Is it worthwhile to undergo Cosmetic Dentistry treatment?


Cosmetic Dentistry treatment is unquestionably worthwhile for many people. A beautiful smile can boost self-esteem and help people feel confident about their appearance, making the treatment invaluable.

FREE Smile makeover Consultation


To help you decide if veneers are what you’re looking for, to find out about your options, get the exact price of your veneer treatment, and for us to assess if you are a good candidate for porcelain veneer, book your  FREE Veneer consultations.

Alternatively, you can call us on 9629-7664. 



Smile for the camera


Having a white, straight, flawless smile will give you the confidence you need to smile big and bright on your special day. There will be no regrets as you look back over your wedding photos, only beautiful, happy smiles and happy memories. So, congratulations on your upcoming nuptials and we hope it will be everything you dreamed it would be!


If you are looking for a quick, easy and very affordable Cosmetic Smile Makeover  treatment, Call Vogue Smiles Melbourne 9629-7664, for all your General & Cosmetic Dentistry services in Melbourne


Smile Makeovers with Porcelain Veneers





General Dentistry Melbourne Services - Best Dentist in Melbourne CBD - Best Dental Clinic in Melbourne CBD

General Dentistry Melbourne Services - Best Dentist in Melbourne CBD - Best Dental Clinic in Melbourne CBD


Affordable General Dentistry in Melbourne with Payment Plans



We offer our patient with easy and affordable way to budget and pay for their dental treatment

With dental payment plan, you can spread the cost of your treatment into affordable payments and get that winning smile and a healthy pain and problem free smile. The payment plan enables our patients begin with their treatment immediately – then pay the cost of their treatment spread over time. It is an excellent payment option for elective cosmetic and/or emergency or general dental procedures.

We have different third party financing company who would love to help you get the treatment that you need.


Learn more about our dental financing option

Get the Dental treatment that you need from $25 per week with  TLC payment plan
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At Vogue Smiles Melbourne, we provide a wide range of general dentistry and cosmetic dental treatments including composite bonding, porcelain veneers, Invisalign, teeth whiteningSmile Rejuvenation, Anti-aging Dental facelift, Full Mouth Reconstruction and Aesthetic Rehabilitation , Snap on Smile, Same Day Smiles, Transitional or Intermediate Smiles and much more.


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best dentist melbourne cbd, BEST COSMETIC DENTIST IN MELBOURNE CBD


We are passionate about the positive impact that is possible with a great smile.

You deserve the confidence and positive self-image that comes with having a great smile.

To learn more and to schedule an appointment at Vogue Smiles Melbourne, please  Call us now on 9629 7664 for your FREE COSMETIC CONSULTATION.

Find out more about cosmetic dentistry Treatment and Procedures

Visit Our Before & After Gallery to See Our Actual Patient Results


Get in touch today to find out how we can help. MAKE AN ONLINE BOOKING



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Smile Rejuvenation by Vogue Smiles Melbourne, rejuvenation clinic Melbourne, Non-surgical Facial Rejuvenation Melbourne, Anti Aging Treatment Melbourne




The information on this website is for information purposes only. Is not a substitute for a proper professional care and advice. Each patient’s outcomes, risks, potential complications, and recovery differ. Any dental procedure, minor or major, carries risks, some minor and some serious. Before and after images  seen on our Social Media and website pages are our actual patient and have been published/posted with our patients’ permission. All of our patients photos are subject to Copyrights protection. We are strong believers in responsible aesthetics. Every cosmetic, medical, or dental procedure comes with its own set of risks and benefits. Cosmetic Dentistry results will vary from patient to patient. Call our office and book for an actual in-office consultation for us to assess if you are a good candidate for a particular treatment. All of our Specials and packages posted on this site are subject to terms, conditions and availability. The exact fee for a particular cosmetic procedure will be determined after a preliminary assessment distinguishing your unique personal needs and the type of work needed. The prices mentioned on any of our website as well as any mentioned payment plan by a third party source,  are just a guide and is subject to change. Call the third party financing providers or visit their website for more info. Please call the office on 9629-7664 for further queries or clarification.
Meet the Doctor and the Team

Australian Photographer, Abstract Artist and Cosmetic Dentist Dr Zenaidy Castro


Meet Dr Zenaidy Castro, a passionate Australian Photographer. Also the Founder of Vogue Smiles Melbourne  and Heart & Soul Whisperer Art Gallery


For the past 57 years,  I have made a point of following my inspiration while chasing my life dreams. Art has always fascinated me as a child, and I loved drawing and painting.

Visual creativity fascinates me and it is a passion can’t help but follow. This fascination with art, artistic inclination and visual creativity led me in adulthood to be more passionate in cosmetic dentistry. I have been able to use this talent to help countless patients enjoy the smile they dreamed of—and now I aim to make people smile as a valuable piece of artwork. I find it personally rewarding and fulfilling to see the impact of the smile makeover I have made on my patient’s live – those beautiful smiles in which they are happy and proud of. It is a reward that money cannot buy!


Famous Australian Photographer & Cosmetic Dentist Dr Zenaidy Castro


Famous Australian Photographer & Cosmetic Dentist Dr Zenaidy Castro


Famous Australian Photographer & Cosmetic Dentist Dr Zenaidy Castro


Famous Australian Photographer & Cosmetic Dentist Dr Zenaidy Castro


Famous Australian Photographer & Cosmetic Dentist Dr Zenaidy Castro


Volunteering Works as a Dentist

Outside Dentistry, I love doing volunteering works overseas and my recent travel was giving free dental treatment at Kopan monastery in Nepal.


Famous Australian Photographer & Cosmetic Dentist Dr Zenaidy Castro

Famous Australian Photographer & Cosmetic Dentist Dr Zenaidy Castro

I began photography as part of my dental practice when I purchased my first DSLR camera to take before and after photos of my patients. The Olympus 5 megapixel camera was top of the line at the time way back 20 years ago, and I considers it a great investment in my dental practice because it allowed me to capture my patients’ satisfied, improved smiles. So my journey into photography began.  I first became interested in photography when I attended a short photography course in Melbourne in August of 2015. I quickly realised that, while I lacked theoretical knowledge, my passion and natural affinity for visual creativity more than compensated. Years of painting and drawing provided me with a solid foundation, and I have experimented with various media. I have won nearly 50 photographic awards for my black and white photographs, both locally and internationally.


Love for Cultural Photography


I love taking photos to tell about people, daily life, or a culture.


Famous Australian Photographer & Cosmetic Dentist Dr Zenaidy Castro
Famous Australian Photographer & Cosmetic Dentist Dr Zenaidy Castro
Famous Australian Photographer & Cosmetic Dentist Dr Zenaidy Castro
Famous Australian Photographer & Cosmetic Dentist Dr Zenaidy Castro
Famous Australian Photographer & Cosmetic Dentist Dr Zenaidy Castro

Fascination with Abstract Art


I have been fascinated by abstract art and the creation of beauty since I was a child, when I recalls having a strong desire to discover new ways of creating and expressing beauty in all of its forms. However, I now realises that as an adult, my focus on my career and the pursuit of excellence in my professional life was quite narrow for many years. I pursued my dream of providing the best personal, customised service to my patients, and I derives great pride and satisfaction from providing them with excellent results. I sees this as yet another aspect of my lifelong pursuit of beauty: the advancement not only of cosmetic dentistry’s aesthetics, but also the resulting effect it has on my patients’ self-esteem and confidence.


Famous Australian Photographer & Cosmetic Dentist Dr Zenaidy Castro


Love for Horses and Equine Photography


Famous Australian Photographer & Cosmetic Dentist Dr Zenaidy Castro

Famous Australian Photography by Dr Zenaidy Castro


Passion for Black and White Photography


Famous Photographer from Australia- Australia's Famous best Black and White landscape photographer of all time


See some of my award winning Black and White Fine art photography


Famous Australian Photography by Dr Zenaidy Castro

Famous Australian Photography by Dr Zenaidy Castro

Famous Australian Photography by Dr Zenaidy Castro

Famous Australian Photography by Dr Zenaidy Castro

Famous Australian Photography by Dr Zenaidy Castro

Famous Australian Photography by Dr Zenaidy Castro


Dreaming of more Adventure to remote places


Dreaming of travelling more to remote places around the world one day and doing more dentistry volunteering works.


DR ZENAIDY CASTRO - Australian Women in Photography, Women Photographer Australia

DR ZENAIDY CASTRO - Australian Women in Photography, Women Photographer Australia

DR ZENAIDY CASTRO - Australian Women in Photography, Women Photographer Australia

DR ZENAIDY CASTRO - Australian Women in Photography, Women Photographer Australia

DR ZENAIDY CASTRO - Australian Women in Photography, Women Photographer Australia


Passion Project


My strong passion for travel and photography, lead me to  found Heart & Soul Whisperer Art Gallery in 2017. I am proud that my photographic works have garnered recognition and an impressive number of photographic awards, locally and internationally.


DR ZENAIDY CASTRO - Australian Women in Photography, Women Photographer Australia



The stuff of my Dreams


Growing up, I have always been amazed by the beauty nature provides us with everyday and everywhere, but understanding this  beauty has yet  remained a mystery. I have come to realize that beauty is meant to be “enjoyed”.

But some of us rarely have time to enjoy this beauty because of our busy schedules. Nine to  six jobs do not allow some people wake up to catch the early morning sun rising in the East and gradually spread across the sky. There is no time to feed art-starved souls anymore.

Photographs never lie nor change. In a bid to help all lovers of nature quench this burning thirst for enjoying beauty, in 2017, I founded as a passion project, the Heart and Soul Whisperer Art Gallery.


DR ZENAIDY CASTRO - Australian Women in Photography, Women Photographer Australia


Being determined to chase my dreams has always inspired me. One of her biggest dreams was to colour and spark the creativity in as many lives as possible with her art. With Heart and Soul Whisperer Art Gallery, this dream has been fulfilled. Just as I have sparked the creativity in mine, as you visit my art gallery, I hope to bring to life the creative artist in you. Bring alive the artist in you. When you see a photograph from my art gallery, let your imagination run wild and feed that art-starved soul!


DR ZENAIDY CASTRO - Australian Women in Photography, Women Photographer Australia



Love for Sphynx Cat

She is also pet mum of two sphynx cats name Zucky and Zooky.


DR ZENAIDY CASTRO - Australian Women in Photography, Women Photographer Australia

DR ZENAIDY CASTRO - Australian Women in Photography, Women Photographer Australia









Funny Dental Photos

Dental Humor Images

Dental Humor Images


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Dental Humor Images Melbourne CBD dentist


Dental Humor Images Melbourne CBD dentist


Funny Dental Photos

Funny Cute cat memes- Dental Cat memes

Funny Cute cat memes

For Cat lovers out there.


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Funny Dental Photos

Funny Sphynx Cat memes -Dental Cat Memes

Funny Sphynx Cats memes


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Funny Sphynx Cats memes - Dental Cat Memes - Dentist in Melbourne CBD


Funny Sphynx Cats memes - Dental Cat Memes - Dentist in Melbourne CBD


Funny Sphynx Cats memes - Dental Cat Memes - Dentist in Melbourne CBD


Funny Sphynx Cats memes - Dental Cat Memes - Dentist in Melbourne CBD


Funny Sphynx Cats memes - Dental Cat Memes - Dentist in Melbourne CBD


Funny Sphynx Cats memes - Dental Cat Memes - Dentist in Melbourne CBD


Funny Sphynx Cats memes - Dental Cat Memes - Dentist in Melbourne CBD



Funny Sphynx Cats memes - Dental Cat Memes - Dentist in Melbourne CBD


Funny Sphynx Cats memes - Dental Cat Memes - Dentist in Melbourne CBD

General Dentist Melbourne CBD, Top leading Cosmetic Dentist in Melbourne CBD

Money Talks in Dentistry

Things to Know about your Dental insurance

Dental Insurance Melbourne


When you take out health insurance to cover you for dental fees, you should be aware that:


  • Each health fund determines what level of rebates it will pay, based on its own commercial requirements.
  • An important aim of some health funds is, quite appropriately, to make profits for their shareholders as well as to provide rebates for their customers.
  • The rebates payable on dental fees are unlikely, in many cases, to cover more than 60% for common dental items and may cover less than half the cost of complex and expensive procedures.
  • For some people, these rebates may be of assistance in offsetting some of the costs for more expensive procedures but some arrangements may not always represent value for money for routine dentistry for you and your family.
  • If you have a problem with your private health insurance, you should contact the fund directly. If you are unable to reach a satisfactory agreement with your fund, contact the Private Health Insurance Ombudsman, an independent body formed to help resolve complaints and provide advice and information. Before paying premiums for dental benefits, or selecting a particular benefit table, you should ensure that these costs represent value for you and your family.
  • Unlike Medicare, dental fees are not subsidised by the Federal Government and there is no recognised fee schedule.




Dental insurance Melbourne


The Power Behind a Beautiful Smile



Is your smile holding you back? Research shows that people who smile more are more likely to be successful across many life domains than people who smile less. Having straight, healthy teeth can give you the confidence you need to show the world a big beautiful smile. And, a beautiful new smile may help open the doors to a fabulous new job, finding the perfect mate, making new friends, a relationship or simply a pleasant meeting. A great smile has magical powers. Never EVER underestimate the power of your smile!

If you are self conscious about the appearance of your  teeth, and  you feel your smile is holding you back, we can help you of getting a confident smile -the affordable way with Veneers Melbourne Payment Plan.

Transform your Smile with our PREPLESS OR NO-PREP PORCELAIN VENEER SPECIALS AND PACKAGE OFFER at $700 per tooth or from $45 weekly TLC payment plan* (Minimum 10 teeth to get this Veneer Package Specials)





Dental insurance Melbourne


Dental Insurance Melbourne– Options, Reviews and Advice


Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a gold standard health insurance coverage to take care of every possible combination of health care situation.

When it comes to dealing with dental care, having a private dental health insurance plan is your best option to deal with unexpected dental costs.

However, what is the right type of dental coverage for you? Like most things in life – private dental coverage is not a ‘one size fits all’ solution, so picking the right plan from the outset is imperative. If you don’t, you’ll pay hundreds more than you need to, or worse, risk being improperly covered when you need it most.

There is an overwhelming number of plans to choose from, with different options available (and an overwhelming amount of fine print to read through).

Let’s clear up the dental insurance myth in Australia so that you can make a confident and informed decision.

How It Works: Health Insurance Dental In Australia, you don’t specifically look for ONLY dental coverage per se, as dental coverage will fall under your health insurance plan.

Basic dental treatments are usually covered by your health insurance plan by default (regular check-ups, cleaning etc.) and you have the option to add on extras dental cover for an extra premium (which will cover you for larger dental procedures)


Types Of Coverage – What’s Best For You?


Typically, dental coverage is available in one of two ways in Australia: general and major dental. Exactly what is classified as general or major is not black or white; it varies from one health insurance provider to the next, but in general, according to


  • General dental coverage: This refers to annual checkups, cleaning & fluoride treatment, minor fillings, and in general, most types of preventative dental work.
  • Cosmetic dental work, which is anything that enhances the appearance and is not medically necessary (e.g. teeth whitening or dental implants) is NOT covered by health funds or Medicare.
  • Lots of health funds offer basic levels of coverage as standard inclusions, with additional coverage options available as extras. Typically, the basic and extra’s coverage usually includes General dental procedures only.
  • Additional extras options are usually offered that include treatments under both General and Major dental categories.


“So, Should I go for a health fund that covers general dental, or look for a plan that covers general + extra coverage for major dental work?” Selection of an appropriate type of policy is largely a function of your individual dental coverage requirements – For example:


  • Young individuals (or couples), whose dental health is relatively good, may opt for general coverage
  • Families or elderly individuals may be better served to opt for a plan that provides major dental coverage.


If you are relatively young and your teeth are in good health, there is generally no need to spend money on a plan that covers you for major dental complications. A basic plan that covers you for general dental will be good enough; just make sure you take advantage of the discounted preventive dental benefits to ensure your teeth stay in good shape!

If you feel like you will need an expensive procedure at some point in the future, for example, dental implants or dental veneers, then a higher level of cover is going to cost you more in the short term but save you more in the long run.


How To Choose Dental Insurance


With so many health insurance providers available to choose from, it’s hard to decide whom to select as your provider of choice. Always do your own research and make decisions based on your own unique circumstances (rather than taking advice from your know-it-all neighbour)


Start by looking at the following obvious factors:


  • Your age
    Extra dental coverage may be required as you get older
  • The state of your dental health
    Some seniors have enviable dental health, while some young adults may have severe dental issues. Select your coverage based on what your individual needs are.
  • Your financial state
    Individuals that are in a high-income bracket, or those that are already enrolled in an employer-sponsored “gold standard” health care plan may not find extra coverage overly beneficial.
  • The economics of it.
    Though individuals may enjoy great dental health, dental insurance should be decided upon based on the economies of the collective family unit. The larger the family, the greater the potential for dental expenditure, which might require extra coverage. When choosing your insurance provider, look for freebies that are offered


 What will be my out of pocket expenses be?


Always ask what out of pocket expenses will be for general and major dental procedures, to get a good idea of how much you will benefit. Even though you are paying for coverage, there will generally be out of pocket expenses. Pick 5 dental procedures (a few general, and a few major) and ask a few health insurance providers what your out-of-pocket expenses will be.

Do you offer ‘no gaps’ benefits? Some funds offer NO GAP provisions to their members; what that means is that members have no gap (out of pocket payment) to incur when they visit their dentist for procedures such as check-ups, removal of plaque, cleaning, x-rays and other routine treatments. Most good providers will offer a no-gap option nowadays.

PRO TIP: Keep your eye out for special offers from funds, during which they may waive (or reduce) the wait times associated with some of the extras. This is the best time to sign up to a new health insurance provider during a sale!



The Best Dental Insurance For General Dental Coverage


Chances are that you already have private health coverage, but the confusing question is, exactly what type of dental work are you covered for? If you have ancillary or extras with your health insurance cover, you should be able to get free (or low cost) preventative dental care, which is the best way to prevent expensive dental complications from arriving in the future.

PRO TIP: If your current health insurance provider does not provide you with reduced cost or free preventative dental care, consider moving to a company that does. Prevention is always better than a cure.

“Coverage for major dental procedures in Australia is quite weak”

And you’re right! Unfortunately, Australian health insurance providers do not provide amazing benefits by any means for patients seeking major dental work. Considering that some procedures can cost in the tens of thousands of dollars, it’s just too risky in their eyes.

While certain health providers do provide levels of coverage of up to $2000, you can only access this rebate once you’ve been with the company for 5 + years.

Your Preparation: The Best Dental CoverageHealth insurance exists to ensure that you’re protected in case of unexpected dental costs (e.g. Root Canal Costs  which can be VERY VERY expensive if you’re not prepared, or wisdom teeth removal, which always seem to cost more than you were quoted for!)

As we age, we become more susceptible to diseases, including dental decay and orally borne illnesses that’s a fact we have to live with.

As we’ve revealed, coverage for major dental work is limited in Australia, meaning you’ll likely have to fork out a good deal of your own savings if you unexpectedly require any type of major dental work. So what can you do about?

Prevention is better than the cure – always strive to take care of your teeth and this means making use of your health funds general/preventative benefits: make use of the free regular checkups and subsidies preventive dental care!


Key Takeaways


Don’t leave choosing a dental health plan until it’s too late – joins a policy that has great general dental coverage ASAP and starts making use of your preventative dental care benefits.

Always read the fine print – Before signing up to a plan, to ensure you’re getting the best benefits your money can buy. These points are what you should be looking at.

Plan ahead for the chance of major dental work – You now know that your health insurance coverage will be limited and weak at best, so have a backup plan ready to go. This can be either putting away savings, asking your dentist if they offer payment plans, or considering dental tourism to save money.

Being covered by an appropriate dental health insurance plan will help relieve the stress of having to deal with such unexpected costs.


Why Choose Dr. Castro For Your General and Cosmetic Dentistry?







Dr. Zenaidy Castro understands the impact a beautiful smile can have on your daily life. She takes the time to listen to each patient’s goals in order to produce the best results for everyone who wants to have a better smile.

Dr. Zenaidy Castro love transforming smiles through cosmetic dentistry, and with her  vast experience of over 30 years,  the care and aesthetic results she provides for all her patients is unmatched. What sets her apart is her careful eye for detail and ensure they have superior results that meet her patients expectations.

She enjoys creating smiles based on the idea that each person is born with a unique smile, and believe that a beautiful smile is not a one-size-fits-all smile design or a an appearance that seems like coming from a single factory manufacturing line.

Dr. Zenaidy Castro will design the smile of your dreams. It is easier than you think! Just give us a call to set up your free aesthetic consultation and see for yourself what we can do to make your smile dreams come true. To learn more about working with Dr. Zenaidy Castro, contact Vogue Smiles Melbourne on 9629-7664.

Find out more about Dr. Zenaidy Castro as a dentist

Find out more about Dr. Zenaidy Castro as an abstract artist and Photographer


best dentist melbourne cbd, BEST COSMETIC DENTIST IN MELBOURNE CBD


Dental Payment Plan Options That will Fit Your Budget




We don’t believe that dental care should be out of anyone’s price range. We want you to feel confident in a smile that looks attractive and functions naturally—and fits within your budget! If you don’t believe you can afford the dental treatment you need (or want), rest assured that we will try our best to help you afford the treatment you need. We have helped countless patients receive affordable dentistry, providing them with beautiful new smiles that have changed their quality of life.

Our team helps make our dental services affordable by assisting you in maximizing your insurance benefits and accepting a variety of payment methods.

Don’t let fear or embarrassment about your budget keep you from getting the dental treatments your smile deserves.

Contact our team today!


General Dentist Melbourne CBD, Top leading Cosmetic Dentist in Melbourne CBDDental insurance Melbourne


Dental insurance Melbourne







At Vogue Smiles Melbourne, we provide a wide range of general dentistry and cosmetic dental treatments including composite bonding, porcelain veneers, Invisalign, teeth whiteningSmile Rejuvenation, Anti-aging Dental facelift, Full Mouth Reconstruction and Aesthetic Rehabilitation , Snap on Smile, Same Day Smiles, Transitional or Intermediate Smiles and much more.

best dentist melbourne cbd, BEST COSMETIC DENTIST IN MELBOURNE CBD


We are passionate about the positive impact that is possible with a great smile.

You deserve the confidence and positive self-image that comes with having a great smile.

To learn more and to schedule an appointment at Vogue Smiles Melbourne, please  Call us now on 9629 7664 for your FREE COSMETIC CONSULTATION.

Find out more about cosmetic dentistry Treatment and Procedures

Visit Our Before & After Gallery to See Our Actual Patient Results


Get in touch today to find out how we can help. MAKE AN ONLINE BOOKING


Veneers Melbourne Payment Plan

Veneers Melbourne Payment Plan

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The information on this website is for information purposes only. Is not a substitute for a proper professional care and advice. Each patient’s outcomes, risks, potential complications, and recovery differ. Any dental procedure, minor or major, carries risks, some minor and some serious. Before and after images  seen on our Social Media and website pages are our actual patient and have been published/posted with our patients’ permission. All of our patients photos are subject to Copyrights protection. We are strong believers in responsible aesthetics. Every cosmetic, medical, or dental procedure comes with its own set of risks and benefits. Cosmetic Dentistry results will vary from patient to patient. Call our office and book for an actual in-office consultation for us to assess if you are a good candidate for a particular treatment. All of our Specials and packages posted on this site are subject to terms, conditions and availability. The exact fee for a particular cosmetic procedure will be determined after a preliminary assessment distinguishing your unique personal needs and the type of work needed. The prices mentioned on any of our website as well as any mentioned payment plan by a third party source,  are just a guide and is subject to change. Call the third party financing providers or visit their website for more info. Please call the office on 9629-7664 for further queries or clarification.



FREE cosmetic dentistry consultation, Free smile makeover consultation, Free Dental Porcelain Veneer Consultation, Free Teeth whitening, snap on Smile consult, FREE dental bonding consult Melbourne CBD City 3000 Victoria Australia