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Porcelain Veneers Melbourne


Porcelain veneers treatment is the quickest approach to improve your appearance and give you long lasting, natural smile.

Porcelain veneers are used to align, colour, shape, and lengthen teeth, as well as to repair chipped, stained, or slightly crooked teeth.

Porcelain is the material of choice for dental veneers.

These are veneers, which are thin shells composed of an extremely durable porcelain substance that cover 

the front of your teeth.

Veneers are carefully created and prepared in the lab to match your existing teeth, giving you completely natural appearance. Porcelain veneers are long lasting and can last between ten and fifteen years if maintained properly.



Feeling self-conscious and insecure with your smile? Get a Gorgeous New Look  from $45 per week  TLC payment plan.






Transform your Smile with our PREPLESS, NO-PREP OR NO-GRINDING PORCELAIN VENEER SPECIALS AND PACKAGE OFFER at $900 per tooth or from $45 weekly TLC payment plan*

(Minimum 10 teeth to get this Veneer Package Specials). T& C Apply*  SEE FULL TERMS AND CONDITIONS




No-prep Porcelain Veneers, PREPLESS, No-Grinding, Melbourne CBD


Best No-prep Veneers, PREPLESS, No-Grinding, Ultra-thin Porcelain Veneers Melbourne - Best Cosmetic Dentist in Melbourne cbd


If you are exploring Dental Porcelain veneers to address your smile concerns, you should know that there are

Two major categories options:

No-prep Porcelain Veneers, PREPLESS, No-Grinding, Melbourne CBD

1. Traditional/ regular prepared or Standard Dental Veneers

Requires the removal of tooth structure equal to the thickness of the veneer. This allows the porcelain to lie flush with the other teeth. Sometimes more than just the enamel needs to be removed which makes the procedure irreversible.


PREPLESS Porcelain Veneer Specials and Packages Melbourne CBD

Best No-prep Veneers, PREPLESS, No-Grinding, Ultra-thin Porcelain Veneers Melbourne - Best Cosmetic Dentist in Melbourne cbd




No-prep Porcelain Veneers, PREPLESS, No-Grinding, Melbourne CBD


2. No-prep veneers or Prepless Dental Veneers.


In recent years, however, other veneer options have emerged that reduces — or even eliminates — this tooth alteration. No-prep veneers are so thin they can be applied to a tooth with virtually no preparation. A more common option, minimal-prep, requires only a minor reshaping with an abrasive tool to ensure the fitted veneer looks as natural as possible. Because of their thinness, these veneers also don’t have to fit under the gum line like standard veneers.

With no-preparation veneers, there may be minimal preparation of tooth structure, but not to the extent required for traditional versions. There is no extensive grinding, cutting, or filing down. Because it is a less invasive procedure, there is often no need for a local anaesthetic either, and patients can enjoy a lower risk of side effects. Both versions are adhesively bonded to the facial surface, or front, of the teeth.

To obtain no- or minimal-prep veneers, your tooth enamel needs to be in good, healthy shape. They’re also best suited for people with small or worn teeth, narrow smiles (the side teeth can’t be seen from the front), or slightly stained or misshapen teeth.

Because there’s little invasiveness, these low preparation veneers won’t typically create tooth sensitivity and they can often be applied without any form of anaesthesia. And because tooth structure isn’t removed, they can be “uninstalled” to return to your natural look. Of course, that’s not always an easy process since the bonding between veneer and the enamel is quite strong, although today’s lasers can be used to detach the veneer quite easily.

If you’d like to consider these minimally invasive veneers, talk to us. If you’re a good candidate, you may be able to gain a new smile without much change to your natural teeth.


No-prep Veneers or Prepless Porcelain Veneers

No-prep Porcelain Veneers, PREPLESS, No-Grinding, Melbourne CBD

Are a non-invasive alternative to traditional veneers, allowing you to change your smile’s appearance while conserving as much tooth enamel as possible.

This technique is best suited for fixing gaps and spaces or as an addition to small or short teeth.

No-prep Veneers or Prepless Porcelain Veneers are one of the most versatile and effective cosmetic dental treatments available. Placed over the front of teeth, dental veneers can be used to conceal multiple flaws at once, restoring a bright, brilliant, and even appearance to smiles marred by:

  • Chipped or cracked enamel
  • Uneven tooth sizes
  • Crooked tooth presentation
  • Gaps or spaces in between the teeth
  • Severe discoloration

Often effective on their own for a complete smile makeover, No-prep Veneers or Prepless Porcelain Veneers offer a reliable and long-lasting solution for many of the most common cosmetic dental concerns.


No-prep Veneers or Prepless Porcelain Veneers





We understand that patient have different financial commitment, capabilities and individual preferences and expectations, hence we have different pricing point, in order to make veneers more accessible and affordable for everyone.

The following costs for our different  Sets of Porcelain Veneers are correct when written, but they can change. We will provide written pricing for each ‘cosmetic treatment’ as part of our free consultation.

The exact fee for veneers will be determined after a preliminary assessment distinguishing your personal needs and the type of work needed. The prices mentioned below are just a guide and is subject to change.

Please email us or call us on 9629-7664 to confirm the availabilities of this pricing as we don’t regularly update our website. Offer is subject to terms and conditions.


Porcelain Veneer Specials and Packages in Melbourne WITH PREPLESS / NO-PREP OR NO GRINDING

Porcelain Veneer Specials and Packages in Melbourne WITH PREPLESS / NO-PREP OR NO GRINDING


Dr Zenaidy Castro- Celebrity, Famous, Best Top General and Cosmetic Dentist in Melbourne CBD City 3000 Victoria Australia, Famous Australian woman Photographer, Abstract Artist

Why Choose Dr. Castro For Your Porcelain Veneers?



PREPLESS Porcelain Veneer Specials and Packages Melbourne CBD

Dr. Zenaidy Castro understands the impact a beautiful smile can have on your daily life. She takes the time to listen to each patient’s goals in order to produce the best results for everyone who wants to have a better smile.

Dr. Zenaidy Castro love transforming smiles through cosmetic dentistry, and with her  vast experience of over 30 years,  the care and aesthetic results she provides for all her patients is unmatched. What sets her apart is her careful eye for detail and ensure they have superior results that meet her patients expectations.

She enjoys creating smiles based on the idea that each person is born with a unique smile, and believe that a beautiful smile is not a one-size-fits-all smile design or a an appearance that seems like coming from a single factory manufacturing line.

Dr. Zenaidy Castro will design the smile of your dreams. It is easier than you think! Just give us a call to set up your free aesthetic consultation and see for yourself what we can do to make your smile dreams come true. To learn more about working with Dr. Zenaidy Castro, contact Vogue Smiles Melbourne on 9629-7664.


Find out more about Dr. Zenaidy Castro as a dentist

Find out more about Dr. Zenaidy Castro as an abstract artist and Photographer


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Dental Payment Plan Options That will Fit Your Budget

Smile Makeovers with Porcelain Veneers

We don’t believe that dental care should be out of anyone’s price range. We want you to feel confident in a smile that looks attractive and functions naturally—and fits within your budget! If you don’t believe you can afford the dental treatment you need (or want), rest assured that we will try our best to help you afford the treatment you need. We have helped countless patients receive affordable dentistry, providing them with beautiful new smiles that have changed their quality of life.

Our team helps make our dental services affordable by assisting you in maximizing your insurance benefits and accepting a variety of payment methods.

Don’t let fear or embarrassment about your budget keep you from getting the dental treatments your smile deserves.

Contact our team today!

Smile Makeovers with Porcelain Veneers






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The information on this website is for information purposes only. Is not a substitute for a proper professional care and advice. Each patient’s outcomes, risks, potential complications, and recovery differ. Any dental procedure, minor or major, carries risks, some minor and some serious. Before and after images  seen on our Social Media and website pages are our actual patient and have been published/posted with our patients’ permission. All of our patients photos are subject to Copyrights protection. We are strong believers in responsible aesthetics. Every cosmetic, medical, or dental procedure comes with its own set of risks and benefits. Cosmetic Dentistry results will vary from patient to patient. Call our office and book for an actual in-office consultation for us to assess if you are a good candidate for a particular treatment. All of our Specials and packages posted on this site are subject to terms, conditions and availability. The exact fee for a particular cosmetic procedure will be determined after a preliminary assessment distinguishing your unique personal needs and the type of work needed. The prices mentioned on any of our website as well as any mentioned payment plan by a third party source,  are just a guide and is subject to change. Call the third party financing providers or visit their website for more info. Please call the office on 9629-7664 for further queries or clarification.


best dentist melbourne cbd, BEST COSMETIC DENTIST IN MELBOURNE CBD


All the things you need to know about Porcelain Veneers

What is a Dental Porcelain Veneer?

What is a Dental Porcelain Veneer?

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

Cosmetic dental veneer treatment is the fastest way you can transform your appearance, providing you with a long lasting and natural smile. Veneers are used to align, colour, shape and lengthen teeth, particularly repairing teeth that are chipped, stained or slightly crooked.

The type of material recommended for dental veneers is porcelain. These are veneers that are custom made thin shells created from a highly strong porcelain material that cover the front of your teeth. Created in a specialist dental laboratory, veneers are carefully designed and prepared to match your existing teeth giving you a completely natural look. porcelain veneers are durable and can last between ten to fifteen years provided a good oral health regime is retained.

Who Can Benefit From Dental Veneers?

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

Cosmetic porcelain veneers are a great choice for the following kind of patient:

  • Where a dramatic cosmetic change is wanted, but you have healthy teeth;
  • You want to improve alignment of your teeth, but cannot or do not want to undergo teeth straightening procedures (orthodontics);
  • When more than a simple teeth whitening process is needed to improve the  colour of your teeth, veneers can do this effectively, while conserving the health of your teeth or enhancing it;
  • For those who want a tailored smile design , our up to the minute technology allows us to easily assess how to create your ideal smile and plan your perfect smile.

Dental Veneer Treatment process

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

At Vogue Smiles Melbourne we work closely with our experienced dental laboratory to plan your veneer treatment and show you what your new smile could look like. Your new smile begins with the following process:

  • Consultation and discussion of the outcome  you are looking for, including impressions and photos.
  • Creation of a digital analysis of your smile.
  • A Wax-up of the new smile is fabricated in the dental laboratory.
  • Preparation and shaping of the teeth for placement of the veneers.
  • We provide you with temporary veneers, giving you time to become used to the new shape and colour of your smile.
  • We then provide you with your brand new customised and permanent veneers.

Indications of Dental Veneers

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

One of the most amazing benefits of porcelain veneers are there versatility in correcting many imperfections that exist within our teeth. Dr. Zenaidy Castro at Vogue Smiles Melbourne has mastered the art of applying porcelain veneers to dramatically improve the aesthetics of your smile.

Crooked teeth – many of us are never satisfied with crooked teeth. Thankfully to advanced, modern dentistry you no longer have to endure orthodontics typically lasting for 1-2 years until you see results. Simply have Dr. Castro apply a set of porcelain veneers in as little as 2-4 appointments.

Gapped teeth – similarly to crooked teeth, gapped teeth often bother many individuals. If you find yourself unhappy or displeased with gapped teeth, then Dr. Castro strongly recommends a set of nice, porcelain veneers to fill in the gap. You’ll be amazed at how easy & simple the entire process is!

Uneven teeth – if you have teeth that are too small in proportion to your other teeth leaving you with an uneven balance, then veneers are a great quick solution. By applying a veneer to the teeth, the uneven balance that exist in your smile is able to be restored.

Teeth that have been grinded – Some of us have a habit of grinding our teeth. And some of us may not even realize it as it may take place when you’re sleeping at night. In any case, if you have teeth that appear worn down from grinding, veneers are a relatively easy quick fix. Just ask Dr. Castro. You may also be recommended for a custom mouth guard.

Stained, discolored teeth – there are many ways of tackling stained, discolored teeth that appear yellowish and veneers happen to be one of those solutions. Teeth whitening works very well, but must be performed every year or so to maintain results. Veneers, however, are a permanent solution to stained teeth.

When Veneers Are Not A Good Option

Keep in mind that you need healthy teeth and gums to qualify for dental veneers. If you are struggling with gum disease, oral infections, or tooth decay, you will need to discuss your condition with your dentist. He or she may be able to successfully treat the condition and give you the approval for dental veneers.

Additionally, you may not qualify for veneers if you frequently grind or clench your teeth. This is because grinding and clinching puts excess strain on the veneers and can cause them to break off completely. If you can successfully put an end to these behaviours, your dentist may determine you are a candidate for veneers. It is also worth noting that as dental materials evolve, ceramists may be able to create stronger veneers that can withstand grinding or clenching your teeth.

If you are considering porcelain veneers, remember they are permanent and usually require the dentist to remove a layer of enamel, you need to make absolute certain this is the right decision for you.

Types of Dental Veneers

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

The two most common materials used for dental veneers are:

  • Composite resin

Composite veneers are made directly (inside the mouth) at the time of your appointment with the dentist. Consequently, only the one visit is generally necessary. It can be quite a long appointment though depending on how many you are getting done.

Composite resin veneers or teeth bondings are a cheaper, quicker, less destructive way to restore and correct more minor cosmetic problems.

  • Porcelain

Porcelain veneers are made indirectly; prepared at your appointment but created outside your mouth by a dental technician. This type of veneer takes two to three visits.They have a superior appearance and are most appropriate for more severe cases of discolouration, chipping, fractures, crooked, spaced and uneven teeth.

Porcelain veneers resist stains from coffee, tea or smoking much better than composite veneers. They last longer and stay looking good for longer. Porcelain has the best light reflecting properties of any dental material currently available, giving your teeth a very natural and attractive appearance.

On the downside, they are considerably more expensive, more difficult to repair if something goes wrong and generally more destructive to your teeth underneath.

Are there any Less Permanent Options?

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

There is non-permanent dental veneers or appliance are they are called Snap on Smiles

These removable veneers are made from a flexible resin material which is moulded to your teeth and can be taken in and out whenever you feel like an instant smile makeover.

How are veneers applied to my teeth?

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

In order to apply veneers to the teeth, your original teeth must be shaved down to make space for the veneer attachment. This allows the veneers to rest comfortably on top of your original tooth, completely reshaping it.

How much is shaved away from my tooth?

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

This depends on each individual, but generally only a fraction of your tooth’s enamel is shaved down to make enough space for your veneers to fit comfortably.

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

How long do veneers last?

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

With good oral hygiene at home and routine follow-ups with your dentist, dental veneers often last longer than 10 years. Corrections may be made at anytime for adjustments or correction.

Is there any special care for dental veneers?

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

No, there is no special care for dental veneers. Simply brush & floss your teeth as your normally would in order to maintain your veneers and your oral health.

Cost of Veneers

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

No two smiles are the same. Each individual has different aesthetic enhancements they would like to make, different facial features and of course different bite and occlusal characteristics that will impact the price. The price varies since each smile makeover requires its own individual technique, varies in the number of veneers and the amount of time required for your treatment.

Your smile and bite must be evaluated first in order to determine what treatment and type of veneer is appropriate for you individually. Dr Castro will thoroughly review every aspect of your smile and formulate a custom treatment plan. Once the treatment plan is finalized a detailed estimate of your treatment cost will be discussed with you as well as financing and payment plan options we have available.

Typically the price range for custom Porcelain Veneer treatment personalized for each patient with Dr. Castro ranges from $700 – $2200 per veneer.

While Dr. Castro prides herself on keeping the cost appropriate and approachable for patients by offering different solution and financing

Are veneers permanent?

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

Yes, they are. During the veneers process, we remove a layer of enamel to ensure that the veneers sit flush with your other teeth. Because of this step, the veneers process is irreversible. If you’re looking for permanent, transformative results, dental veneers are the way to go.

Are veneers stain resistant?

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

Part of the benefits of dental veneers is that they are made from a stain resistant porcelain material. While proper dental hygiene such as brushing and flossing is still important, the porcelain shells are not as susceptible to certain foods, drinks, and medications as natural teeth are.

Tips for Caring for Your Porcelain Veneers

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

You’ve finally made the decision to revamp your smile with porcelain veneers- congratulations! Now you can venture out into the world with a beautiful, straight smile. However, your work isn’t done after you’ve had your veneers put into place, and there are several steps you’ll need to take to keep them safe. By taking a proactive approach to caring for your veneers, you can get the most out of your stunning new smile.

Don’t Chew on Inedible Items

Do you have a bad habit of chewing on pens, or are you a nail biter? Not only are these habits gross and a social faux pas, they can actually lead to damage of your porcelain veneers over time. To protect your cosmetic dental work, make an effort to keep inedible items out of your mouth.

Get Your Veneers Polished

Cosmetic dentists can help to preserve the life of your dental work by polishing your veneers. This procedure can be performed approximately once every three months. A dentist will use specialized solutions and equipment to ensure that your veneers and original teeth are thoroughly cleaned. However, polishing your veneers doesn’t mean that you can slack on your own dental hygiene. Flossing and brushing your teeth frequently can allow you to enjoy longer results after a polishing, and you can go longer periods of time between each session.

Avoid Substances that May Cause Stains

Porcelain veneers are deigned to be stain resistant, but that fact isn’t the same for your natural tooth structure. In order to keep your smile looking its whitest, you should be wary of substances that might stain your veneers, including cigarettes, coffee, soda, red wine, tea, berries, and beets. If you do enjoy one of these items, be sure to brush and floss your teeth immediately afterwards to minimize the likelihood that stains will develop.

Protect Your Teeth

Do you play sports or other contact activity in which the health of your teeth might be at risk? If so, you will want to wear a mouth guard or other form of protection to ensure that your veneers are safe. Basketball, football, wrestling, and other contact sports may put your beautiful new smile in danger. By protecting your teeth from potential trauma, you are saving yourself a lot of pain, not to mention the cost that would be required to repair your smile.

Quit Grinding

Many people suffer from tooth grinding, whether they realize it or not. Tooth grinding, otherwise known as bruxism, is a serious issue involving the clenching and shifting of the teeth during sleep. If you continue to grind your teeth without seeking treatment, you can damage your porcelain veneers. Damage may also occur to your original teeth and the jaw joint, so if you suspect that you are a nighttime grinder, consult with your dentist about treatment options. He or she may fit you for a nighttime mouth guard that can help to protect your teeth from the damaging effects of grinding.

Feeling self-conscious and insecure with your smile? Looking for Affordable Dental Veneers in Melbourne – with No Grinding Veneers? VOGUE SMILES MELBOURNE Dentist have the passion, expertise and dedication to provide exceptional Cosmetic Dentistry treatment. Call 9629-7664 to book for your FREE mini cosmetic consult

Techniques of Fabricating Porcelain Dental Veneers

Techniques of Fabricating Porcelain Dental Veneers

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

1. TRADITIONAL DENTAL VENEERS. See the Details and Process below

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

2. PREPLESS OR NO PREP DENTAL VENEERS. See the Details and Process below

Feeling self-conscious and insecure with your smile? Looking for Affordable Dental Veneers in Melbourne – with No Grinding Veneers? VOGUE SMILES MELBOURNE Dentist have the passion, expertise and dedication to provide exceptional Cosmetic Dentistry treatment. Call 9629-7664 to book for your FREE mini cosmetic consult

Traditional Dental Veneers Treatment Process

Traditional Dental Veneers Treatment Process

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

The process. What steps are involved?

 Step 1: Taking the shade.

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

Your dentist will use their shade guide to determine which color of porcelain most closely matches the teeth that lie to each side of the tooth they’re veneering.

They may decide that different colors need to be used for different portions of the veneer. They’ll also make notes about which regions of the laminate need to be comparatively more or less translucent.

Step 2: Trimming the tooth.

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

a) With this procedure, the idea is that the enamel on the front side of your tooth is trimmed back about the same thickness as the veneer that will be placed. That way its overall thickness is not dramatically changed.

The ideal situation is one where all surfaces of the veneer only rest on tooth enamel. For the most part, a dentist will try to limit the depth of the trimming to just the tooth’s enamel layer. That way, all aspects of the veneer’s internal surface will be bonded directly onto enamel. (The type of tooth structure with which the most secure and predictable bond can be made.)

The precise amount of tooth enamel that’s shaved off will vary with each case but it can be as little as .5 to .7 millimeters. That’s about twice the thickness of an eggshell and when compared to most other dental procedures it’s a very small amount.

While performing the trimming, your dentist will keep in mind some recognized guidelines as to the maximum amount of enamel that ideally can be removed, and try to stay within those limits.

b) If your tooth has some areas of decay, your dentist will trim more extensively in those locations so to remove it.

c) At least in theory, porcelain veneers can be bonded over existing white (dental composite) fillings. However, replacing them with new ones helps to insure the most secure bond possible.

d) The outline form of the preparation will be given a shape where the edges of the veneer (where it meets your tooth) aren’t easily seen or lie at a point where opposing teeth make contact.

Trimming more.

In some cases, the dentist may decide to trim the tooth more, possibly on the order of 1.5 mm or so (about a 1/16th of an inch).

There are two issues at hand when this decision is made.

  • More aggressive tooth preparation means that a thicker veneer can be placed. One that can both mask over thecolorof the tooth underneath yet still retain a high degree of restoration translucency (a characteristic that helps to create a very natural-looking appearance).
  • On the other hand,excessivepreparation may expose regions of tooth dentin (the hard tooth tissue under enamel). If so, restoration longevity may be affected.

Will anesthetic be needed?

It can be possible to prepare teeth for veneers with out the use of an anesthetic. But you may find that you want it.

Some teeth and tooth tissues are naturally sensitive to cold sensations (like those created by the dentist’s suction device or the water spray from their drill). And if the veneer’s edges will extend below the gum line, those tissues will need to be manipulated and may be sensitive.

Step 3: Taking the impression.

Once the trimming has been completed, your dentist will take an impression of your tooth and its surrounding teeth and gums. It’s this copy of your mouth that will be used to fabricate your veneer.

This impression is then sent to a dental laboratory and they will use it to make your porcelain veneer. Depending on what arrangements have been made, the turn-around time for this process is usually about 2 weeks.

Step 4: Placing a temporary veneer (if needed).

In those cases where your veneer will be fabricated by a dental laboratory, you will usually have to wait 1 or 2 weeks while it is being made. The question then becomes whether or not you will wear a temporary veneer during this time period.

Situations where no temporary is placed.

This can be the plan for cases where just a minimal amount of tooth structure has been removed (like in our picture above). Admittedly, on close inspection your tooth will look a little strange. But just how much of an issue this is is something that you’ll have to decide.

Since a surface layer of your tooth has been trimmed off, you may notice that it has an increase sensitivity to hot and cold foods and beverages. You can also expect that it will feel a little rough to your tongue and lips.

Situations where a temporary is used.

It’s more common to place a temporary veneer when treating cases where there’s been a need to trim a relatively greater amount of tooth structure.

These are teeth whose appearance would be noticeably strange, or where the issue of thermal sensitivity might be a problem for the patient.

If having a temporary placed is important to you, and your dentist has not yet discussed this issue with you, you absolutely need to ask about it when your appointment is initially scheduled.

A dentist frequently uses a mould that’s filled will plastic and then slipped over your teeth to form the temporary. In some cases, this mould is made from a wax/plaster mock-up of your teeth that due to the time involved in making it must be arranged for in advance of your appointment.

A temporary veneer needs to be secure enough that it stays in place well but is also easy to remove at your next appointment. Keep in mind that unlike a temporary dental crown that entirely encases its tooth, this type is just anchored on the front side. And this difference can make creating a successful temporary a bit of a challenge.

Dentists have solutions for these challenges but they usually come at the expense of creating some degree of gum inflammation (because you can’t floss and clean around the temporary veneer thoroughly). Inflamed gum tissue can be harder to manage when a veneer is cemented, primarily because it bleeds easily.

If you decide that no temporary is needed, your dentist doesn’t have to be concerned about it coming off, or being able to get it off. And during your cementation appointment, it’s more likely that they’ll have healthy gum tissue to work with. And that’s a very positive thing for the outcome of your case.

Temporary veneers aren’t usually cemented, they’re just held in place by the way their plastic has set and locked in place on and in between your teeth.

Getting them off is easy enough. Your dentist will just use their drill and trim the temporary in half, then tease its parts off.

Step 5: The pre-cementation evaluation.

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

At this point, your porcelain veneer has been fabricated and is ready to be bonded onto its tooth. If a temporary veneer has been placed, your dentist will remove it.

A) Checking the fit.

Your dentist will first need to evaluate how your veneer seats on your tooth.

To do so, they’ll set it in place, inspect it, remove it and trim it, repeatedly, until they are satisfied with its fit. (In most cases, an anesthetic will not be needed during this step or any of those that follow.)

B) Evaluating the shape.

Even though the laboratory or milling machine that has crafted your laminate has crafted it to what it thought was the ideal shape, you and your dentist may decide differently.

Possibly certain edges need to be shortened, squared off or rounded so it looks right. If so, your dentist will complete these changes.

Without question, the goal of this step is to get everything as right about the shape of your laminate as possible. But you don’t have to be too worried if you have some minor reservations about what you notice.

Further refinement can still be made later on after cementation. In fact, at this point while your veneer just sits loosely on your tooth, trimming it too much might be the bigger concern.

C) Evaluating the color.

Your dentist will have chosen a shade of porcelain for your veneer that they expect will result in a close match with your tooth’s neighbouring teeth. But because it’s translucent, its precise colour can be fine- tuned by way of the shade of the cement that’s used to bond it in place.

Take note.

It’s important for you to understand that this is your last chance to make an objection about the color of your new veneer. Once it’s been bonded in place, it can’t be changed.

Step 6: Bonding the veneer.

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

Once you and your dentist have determined that its shape and shade are right, your veneer can be bonded into place.

Your dentist will first wash out the trial paste and clean and prepare your laminate’s internal surface. They’ll also wash off and polish the surface of your tooth, so it’s clean and ready.

1) Etching the tooth. 2) Bonding the veneer in place. 3) Trimming the excess cement.

Etching the tooth.

They’ll then etch the surface of your tooth with an acid etching gel (the green in our illustration) for about 15 to 20 seconds. (At a microscopic level, this etching process creates a very rough enamel surface. It’s this texture that the veneer’s cement bonds to.)

(The dental lab will have already prepared the internal aspect of you veneer by etching it with hydrofluoric acid.)


After washing the etching gel off your tooth and drying it, your dentist will apply a layer of clear “bonding agent.”. (This creates the actual bond with the tooth’s etched enamel surface.)
Cement (having the color previously chosen) is then placed inside the veneer, which is then squished into place.

Once it’s been positioned properly, your dentist will set the cement by way of shining a “curing” light on your tooth.

This light (which has a blue coloration) activates a catalyst in the bonding agent and cement, causing them to set in about a minute.

Step 7: Wrapping things up.

The veneer is now securely attached to your tooth.

There will be some excess cement that your dentist will need scrape and floss away. (Actually, they’ll probably have removed most of it before fully cured it. That makes getting it off easier.)

They’ll also need to evaluate your new restoration’s contours and trim and polish them as is needed.

As a last step, your bite will be evaluated so to confirm that it hasn’t been altered by the placement of your veneer.


Your dentist’s curing light set your veneer’s cement, so from that standpoint it’s ready to be used, even immediately. Despite that, it’s not a bad idea to be cautious with your tooth at first.

It’s shape might be slightly different than before (either a planned change or an oversight). Or in the case where an anesthetic was used or your jaw is still stiff from staying open during your procedure, initially you may find yourself closing your teeth together in completely abnormal ways.

Experiment with and settle into the use of your new laminate. If you notice anything that seems strange or amiss, don’t look for trouble. Just let your dentist know.

As a way of helping you protect your new restorations, your dentist may present you with a night guard to wear.

The fragile nature of porcelain veneers makes them susceptible to fracture when exposed to excessive forces such as those associated with tooth clenching and grinding.

Since you have no control over these activities when you sleep, routinely wearing a guard can help to prevent this type of damage.

Step 8: The follow-up appointment.

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

Most dentists will want you to return to their office in about one week.

They’ll want to evaluate how your gums have responded to the presence of your new veneer. And if you have decided that its shape needs to be adjusted some more, they can do that at this appointment too.

Some people may notice that their veneered tooth as some hot and cold sensitivity. If you do, let your dentist know during this visit. While it’s common that it will resolve on its own, they may be able to speed the process up.

Feeling self-conscious and insecure with your smile? Looking for Affordable Dental Veneers in Melbourne – with No Grinding Veneers? VOGUE SMILES MELBOURNE Dentist have the passion, expertise and dedication to provide exceptional Cosmetic Dentistry treatment. Call 9629-7664 to book for your FREE mini cosmetic consult

Prepless or No-Prep Porcelain Veneers Treatment Process

Prepless or No-Prep Porcelain Veneers Treatment Process

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

No Grinding and No Drilling Porcelain Veneers

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

Are a non-invasive alternative to traditional veneers, allowing you to change your smile’s appearance while conserving as much tooth enamel as possible.

This technique is best suited for fixing gaps and spaces or as an addition to small or short teeth.

Are No-Prep Veneers Right for You?

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

Dental veneers are the ideal cosmetic treatment for discoloured and fractured teeth, to close small noticeable gaps between teeth. They can help to improve the size, colour, shape, and symmetry of the tooth. But they’re mostly recommended for patients looking to make minor cosmetic dental changes, or those looking for just a little improvement in their smile.

A GOOD CANDIDATE for prep and no-prep veneers includes:

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne
  • A patient who requires very minor changes to the teeth is better suited for a no-prep veneer
  • No-prep veneers are very thin so they are best used on someone who needs very little improvement in their smile
  • Patients who need bigger changes or improvements are better off with prep veneers because they can be made thinner or thicker according to the needs of the patient
  • No-prep veneers are for patients who want to brighten their teeth a bit or have close or small spaces in the teeth
  • Prep veneers are better suited for more extensive problems like darker discoloration, fractures, minor misalignment and slightly larger spaces

Patients who are NOT GOOD CANDIDATES for prep and no-prep veneers include;

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne
  • Someone with teeth that are severely crooked
  • A person with teeth that are very crowded
  • People without sufficient healthy enamel to remove a thin enamel layer before placing the veneers
  • A person without healthy teeth and gums
  • A person with broken teeth will need dental crowns or implants

Feeling self-conscious and insecure with your smile? Looking for Affordable Dental Veneers in Melbourne – with No Grinding Veneers? VOGUE SMILES MELBOURNE Dentist have the passion, expertise and dedication to provide exceptional Cosmetic Dentistry treatment. Call 9629-7664 to book for your FREE mini cosmetic consult
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The Procedure for No-Prep Veneers

The Procedure for No-Prep Veneers

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

No-prep veneers require virtually zero enamel removal. So during your visit, Dr. Castro will simply take impressions of your teeth and then choose the color of your veneers to match the natural shade of your teeth. Your veneers will be custom-made for a perfect fit to ensure comfort and proper bite. If there’re no alignment issues, the veneer will be bonded to the tooth using dental cement and hardened using a curing light.

Please visit Dr. Castro to determine if no-prep veneers are the right cosmetic dental treatment for you.

Although they can’t remedy every tooth defect, they’re well suited for mild to moderate disfigurements like chipping, staining or gaps.

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

Feeling self-conscious and insecure with your smile? Looking for Affordable Dental Veneers in Melbourne – with No Grinding Veneers? VOGUE SMILES MELBOURNE Dentist have the passion, expertise and dedication to provide exceptional Cosmetic Dentistry treatment. Call 9629-7664 to book for your FREE mini cosmetic consult

Limitations of Prep and No-Prep Veneers

Limitations of Prep and No-Prep Veneers

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

Limitations of prep and no-prep veneers include:

  • Veneers only provide a partial restoration of the front teeth
  • Patients with dental issues, such as cavities, will need to treat them before having veneers placed
  • Porcelain veneers are not suitable for teeth that are badly broken or worn down with little remaining enamel
  • Teeth that are excessively crooked are not ideal for veneers
  • No-prep veneers cannot produce dramatic improvements on the appearance of the tooth
  • Prep veneers require enough sound tooth structure to support the veneer
Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

Feeling self-conscious and insecure with your smile? Looking for Affordable Dental Veneers in Melbourne – with No Grinding Veneers? VOGUE SMILES MELBOURNE Dentist have the passion, expertise and dedication to provide exceptional Cosmetic Dentistry treatment. Call 9629-7664 to book for your FREE mini cosmetic consult

Risks of Dental Veneers

Risks of Dental Veneers

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

Some risks of prep and no-prep veneers are:

  • No-prep veneers cannot be bonded to the teeth as strongly as prep veneers, and having no-prep veneers pop off the teeth is common, so additional trips to the dentist may be required
  • No-prep veneers can change the shape of the mouth and face as the extra thickness added to the teeth pushes out the lips and cheeks
  • Cracking or chipping of the veneers
  • Tenderness
  • Soreness
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Changes in the bite of the patient
Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

Feeling self-conscious and insecure with your smile? Looking for Affordable Dental Veneers in Melbourne – with No Grinding Veneers? VOGUE SMILES MELBOURNE Dentist have the passion, expertise and dedication to provide exceptional Cosmetic Dentistry treatment. Call 9629-7664 to book for your FREE mini cosmetic consult

The Process

The Process

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

The process for receiving no-prep veneers is simple and achieved in just two visits:

  • During your initial appointment, your dentist will take impressions of your teeth to make a mold, which is then sent to the lab so that your custom veneers can be made.
  • For your second visit, your dentist will place your veneers to ensure the fit is just right before permanent placement.
  • Once you have given your approval, your dentist will etch your teeth and place the veneers individually.
Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

Feeling self-conscious and insecure with your smile? Looking for Affordable Dental Veneers in Melbourne – with No Grinding Veneers? VOGUE SMILES MELBOURNE Dentist have the passion, expertise and dedication to provide exceptional Cosmetic Dentistry treatment. Call 9629-7664 to book for your FREE mini cosmetic consult

Advantages of Prepless/No-prep Dental Veneers over Traditional Veneers

Advantages of Prepless/No-prep Dental Veneers over Traditional Veneers

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

Convenience aside, no-prep veneers have many notable benefits:

Less Invasive

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

The procedure is significantly less invasive than traditional veneers. Your dentist only needs to cut down, file, or grind down minimal amounts of the tooth, if any at all. Because drilling is not required, there is no need for an anesthetic injection.


Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

No-prep veneers are a good option if you’re concerned with conserving tooth enamel. No enamel removal significantly decreases the likelihood of developing sensitivity from the procedure.


Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

For those worried about making an irreversible change to their smile, no-prep veneers can actually be removed. Note: Although removal is possible, the procedure cannot be reversed without some damage to your enamel.

Stronger Bond

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

The bond of the porcelain to the teeth is stronger than it is with traditional veneers because the veneer is bonded directly to the enamel, rather than to the dentin.

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

Feeling self-conscious and insecure with your smile? Looking for Affordable Dental Veneers in Melbourne – with No Grinding Veneers? VOGUE SMILES MELBOURNE Dentist have the passion, expertise and dedication to provide exceptional Cosmetic Dentistry treatment. Call 9629-7664 to book for your FREE mini cosmetic consult

Disadvantages of Prepless/No-prep Dental Veneers over Traditional Veneers

Disadvantages of Prepless/No-prep Dental Veneers over Traditional Veneers

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

To determine if this treatment option is right for you, it is crucial to both consider the benefits of no-prep veneers and be aware of the disadvantages.

  • No-prep veneers cannot produce as drastic results as traditional veneers. Because no-prep veneers are translucent, your original tooth shade will still be visible after the procedure. We recommend patients have their teeth professionally whitened in advance.
  • No-prep veneer candidates must have even smiles in optimal condition. To be a viable candidate, your teeth need to be absolutely straight and in good oral health.
  • No-prep veneers can be costly if we use the brand called Lumineers
  • No-prep veneers bulk up a smile’s appearance. Without any tooth reduction, veneers can add bulkiness to your smile, especially if your teeth are already on the larger side.
Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

Feeling self-conscious and insecure with your smile? Looking for Affordable Dental Veneers in Melbourne – with No Grinding Veneers? VOGUE SMILES MELBOURNE Dentist have the passion, expertise and dedication to provide exceptional Cosmetic Dentistry treatment. Call 9629-7664 to book for your FREE mini cosmetic consult

Differences in how are Prep/Traditional and No-Prep Veneers are Performed?

Differences in how are Prep/Traditional and No-Prep Veneers are Performed?

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne


It involve removal of a layer of enamel from the front of the teeth that are being treated. The total amount of enamel depends on the desired results of the patient. In most cases, we removes about .5 mm to .7 mm of dental material from the front of the teeth. The dentist then takes an impression of the teeth in order to make the veneers in the dental office or at an off-site dental lab. With Traditional Veneers, Temporary veneers are always placed to protect the underlying dentin and prevent sensitivity while eating or drinking and to preserve appearance, but not in Prepless. Once the veneers are complete and back from the lab, we checks their shape and appearance to make sure the veneer does not affect the bite of the patient or have any alignment issues. The dentist also checks the color of the veneers against the natural shade of the teeth. We call our patient for a Preview appointment. If our patients are happy with everything cosmetic, we book them next for a cementation appointment. The veneers are then bonded to the teeth and a curing light is used to harden the cement used to attach the veneer to the teeth.

More time is involved in fabricating this type of Dental Veneer on the first visit


Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

No-prep veneers require virtually zero enamel removal. So during your visit, Dr. Castro will simply take impressions of your teeth and then choose the color of your veneers to match the natural shade of your teeth. Your veneers will be custom-made for a perfect fit to ensure comfort and proper bite. If there’re no alignment issues, the veneer will be bonded to the tooth using dental cement and hardened using a curing light.

Please visit Dr. Castro to determine if no-prep veneers are the right cosmetic dental treatment for you.

Although they can’t remedy every tooth defect, they’re well suited for mild to moderate disfigurements like chipping, staining or gaps.

Less time is involved in fabricating this type of Dental Veneer on the first visit

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

Feeling self-conscious and insecure with your smile? Looking for Affordable Dental Veneers in Melbourne – with No Grinding Veneers? VOGUE SMILES MELBOURNE Dentist have the passion, expertise and dedication to provide exceptional Cosmetic Dentistry treatment. Call 9629-7664 to book for your FREE mini cosmetic consult

What would give the best Aesthetic Results? Traditional/Prep or No-Prep/Prepless Veneers

What would give the best Aesthetic Results? Traditional/Prep or No-Prep/Prepless Veneers

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

Traditional veneers require intensive preparation work and usually involve grinding down the tooth’s structure to be installed. The amount of enamel removed from the tooth is equal to the thickness of the composite or porcelain that will replace it. No-prep veneers require NO preparation and the restoration is just bonded into place so the treatment time on the first appointment is very minimal.

As the time involve to fabricate the Prep or Traditional Veneers are more extensive than Prepless or No Prep, they are more expensive.

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

Feeling self-conscious and insecure with your smile? Looking for Affordable Dental Veneers in Melbourne – with No Grinding Veneers? VOGUE SMILES MELBOURNE Dentist have the passion, expertise and dedication to provide exceptional Cosmetic Dentistry treatment. Call 9629-7664 to book for your FREE mini cosmetic consult

What would give the best Aesthetic Results? Traditional/Prep or No-Prep/Prepless Veneers

What would give the best Aesthetic Results? Traditional/Prep or No-Prep/Prepless Veneers

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

Because the Traditional Veneers are fraction thicker, they can be made out of more-translucent porcelain. That means light will be able to enter into and reflect back out of them in a fashion that truly mimics the lustrous look of a natural tooth.

Also, a thicker laminate generally offers the dental technician more opportunity to incorporate characterization and shading qualities into the veneer itself by way of using different shades of porcelain in its fabrication. This characterizations effect makes the traditional more natural looking.

Patients who prefer a monochromatic very white bleached teeth, are good candidates for Prepless/No Prep veneers. Because there are no reduction and preparation on the tooth, they could appear lifeless.

 A lot of people simply don’t appreciate this difference.

Best No-prep Veneers | Prep vs no-prep Veneers Melbourne

We do have to admit that when it comes to the issue of obtaining a precisely lifelike result, many people just don’t seem to care.

The ease and pain-free advantage that no-drilling/no-shots technique offers simply outweighs the disadvantage of a less than perfectly natural-looking outcome.

If you have to ask Dr Castro, she would always choose the traditional Veneers. But you have to decide for yourself what pros and cons of the veneer that you could take to compromise. If cost is not an issue and don’t mind a fraction .03-0.5 mm preparation on your teeth, then go with traditional Veneers. You would be happier with the more natural look.

Feeling self-conscious and insecure with your smile? Looking for Affordable Dental Veneers in Melbourne – with No Grinding Veneers? VOGUE SMILES MELBOURNE Dentist have the passion, expertise and dedication to provide exceptional Cosmetic Dentistry treatment. Call 9629-7664 to book for your FREE mini cosmetic consult

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